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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. What does "millions of dollars" have to do with hiring TLR, pray tell?
  2. That's called micromanaging, and it's very bad.
  3. Anyone else have Nicky's food before? Best damn hot dog and fries I've ever had still to this day.
  4. Eh, Quintana doesn't really move the needle, we will really need Cease to step it up or for Kopech to be good right out of the gate. But if they indeed sign Q, Hendriks and re-sign Colome I could definitely say this is an improved club. And yet I'd still feel like it was overall a disappointment and that the Sox did not optimize their window and go after the big FAs like they should have. What a bizarre situation this is.
  5. If I had a dollar for every person that missed/ignored the point today alone I wouldn't need to work for a while.
  6. Put off why? Sorry that I correct people? Maybe just ignore me instead?
  7. That's not a narrative, it's just deductive reasoning. One small period of inflation doesn't erase something that is plainly obvious otherwise. I'm sorry but you're buying into the real narrative, one that is demonstrably not true, and has been backed up with numbers. JR is cheap. Just accept it.
  8. Oh, it definitely has been. We just are still hitting the ground with sticks because what the fuck else are we gonna do?
  9. Never been an admin so I would have no way of knowing that, lol. I think it was a pretty easy assumption to make. My bad.
  10. If you know he was the one who didn't laugh at it then you must be the one who did, correct?
  11. Again, it's not "nasty," you just perceive it as so because suddenly you're the one on the spot after realizing you were wrong about something. Guess what? That's ok. Just say so. I put over anyone who admits a mistake big. The condemnation might come from the fact that you are overly animated (using all caps, exclamation points, hyperactive rhetoric, etc.) and then suddenly get passive when you are responded to curtly. Frankly, if you posted in a more professional and less frantic manner my tone would be naturally different. And again, am I wrong that you were the one who said I was "too stupid to argue with?" Because you can't do that and then try to pretend to be the peacekeeper and call someone else a dick or "nasty." One thing I have never done is call a member stupid.
  12. So you failed to understand the phrase I used, projected your issues onto me (guy who says "you're too stupid to argue with" is telling me I'm a dick... lol, ok), failed to acknowledge my clarification, reacted with a laugh emoticon and then simply didn't respond. You really need to just stop responding to me because this cycle is just pitiful at this point. If you are too egotistical to even say, "Ok, thanks for the clarification" or even bother to ATTEMPT to make an excuse for yourself then you have nothing to offer by responding to me in the first place; not sure why you constantly start arguments you then immediately run away from. Maybe one day you'll learn your lesson. If you are just going to attempt to jab someone and then run when they respond and challenge you every single time then why are you even bothering? How many times must we go through this? You simply ignoring what I say and responding with a laugh emoji (the reaction stuff has been for the worst here, I'm sorry) is just simply immature.
  13. Come on. Is this supposed to be a legitimate argument?
  14. Actually. I'm almost never a dick. Being curt and being a dick are two different things. Didn't you once say I was "too stupid to argue with?" Some self-awareness might do you some good. By playoff team I clearly mean playoff WINNING team. We can get to the playoffs now, that should be a given. Moving the needle means pushing further in the playoffs. If you knew that you wouldn't have posted what you just did. So here I am having to correct you again, and that's fine. I don't want to be the Twins and build teams simply to win divisions and lose every playoff game. What we did today is likely not enough. Maybe one day you will respond humbly to a correction. Maybe then you won't see this as "being a dick." I never called you stupid. Maybe think this through a bit more.
  15. As are the dismissive comments that don't even try to understand why the negativity exists. Just stop.
  16. It's really weird to me because these moves put us in a position where the next move or two could either justify a meltdown or end up with everybody being happy. If our next move is Q, might be meltdown time.
  17. No. "Ifs" don't mean anything. It Bears repeating that what makes a decision good is not the results but the process. For a basic example, if something fails 9 out of 10 times then you don't get credit for being the one who had to go right. If we can't extend Lynn this is a bad deal.
  18. Okay, I was a dick. And I apologize. I'm not normally that way. That said, the entire first paragraph you quoted is the point. So you argued it, but then kind of supported it with the last thing you said in the same response. I guess I need to speak a little more plainly and state that after trading Dunning for Lynn if we simply settle for Q then we aren't nearly moving the needle enough to be a playoff team.
  19. Again, I'm not sure why you're so afraid of the point in keep dancing around it. Then at the end you basically supported by saying it's not realistic. The only reason it's not realistic is... the point that I made. Jeez.
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