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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Willful tone deafness. Interesting. "Better" is not the point. Better and great are two different things.
  2. I don't necessarily, but we did offer 120 or so to Wheeler. It just makes them look bad now to not offer something similar in the future. Always an excuse, though, I guess.
  3. I guess I'm giving the benefit of the doubt but now that I think about it... why the hell am I? Fuck.
  4. It honestly astounds me how many people keep needing the point repeated to them over and over. Are we likely to be better? Yes. But that's why you make better moves and big signings, to get your team over the top and make them elite. Lynn is a fine addition but if our plan now is Eaton and Q then this offseason ends up being a waste.
  5. If and when that happens that should officially, justifiably trigger the inevitable blowup here for another wasted offseason.
  6. I am not disagreeing, but you're missing my point. It would make sense to spend low like that efficiently to free up money for Bauer. That makes sense. However I do believe we are all going to be disappointed, yes.
  7. I guess what I should have said was simply the part about not having a long term RF. Obviously we're not going after Springer now, and likely not Brantley unless they really want to pay him to DH. But obviously the big one is the one we all want the Sox to sign. To me, that alone would make Eaton worth it.
  8. We're forgetting that a lot of teams are still spending money and someone is going to pay for Bauer. It should be us.
  9. I am ok with this. Eaton was always solid. However... The only disappointment for me is that it's only for one year, so clearly we're not looking too a long-term solution like Springer. There's literally no excuse not to sign Bauer now. That's the only thing that makes this move good. And when inevitably he doesn't sign here oh, there's going to be hell to pay! (On this forum)
  10. These posts are useful for upping post count and nothing more.
  11. I definitely am prepared for it. Just fucking sign Bauer.
  12. I rarely say I agree with Ray but this is spot on. There are a lot of obvious ways this could go wrong. The front office can't possibly be dumb enough to not realize this... can they?
  13. I firmly believe Lynn is not enough to make this rotation WS caliber, especially with Dallas likely to regress. Hope I'm wrong but stopping here with pitching would be a big mistake.
  14. I see both sides of this. What is weird to me is it seems like this board has an "avoid any pitcher over 30 like the plague" mentality, even with guys better than Lynn yet so many are ecstatic about this trade. I don't hate it, especially if we sign him to an extension but there are a lot of risk factors with this trade, more than I'm comfortable with and IMO than anyone else should be comfortable with. If Dunning had helped us net Darvish I have no problem. But this one is a little nerve racking.
  15. I love Lynn but unless he signs an extension this looks like such a bad deal, typical JR and KW move.
  16. I'm not a fan of emptying the entire farm system, LOL.
  17. I would hope nab 2 and have Eloy DH if Brantley fields.
  18. I agree but why? If Vaughn's arrival is imminent, what is do we have for Brantley outside of DH for a year? Would a 1 year deal for what he will cost be worth it? I like Brantley and was for signing him, but after having thought of it more, doesn't seem like a fit if he's not going to play the field.
  19. When you "want" something you know you can't get then you really aren't trying. Either they knew they wouldn't get Manny at that price or they're stupid. Take your pick.
  20. I have to say spot on with this one. I don't know why so many insist on playing stupid and not connecting SO many obvious dots.
  21. I'm referring mainly to EE and Gio. Admittedly I blanked on Dallas. I still stand by my point. We "offered" huge money to Machado and Wheeler. Neither of them accepted. Obviously there's still plenty left in the budget, lol.
  22. They spent a solid amount of money on 1 good FA and a bunch of garbage. So instead of a PS5, we got a PS4 and a couple of PS2s if we're gonna continue this analogy. Big difference.
  23. They were going to spend BIG the last 2 seasons and didn't get their man. And we've already covered Covid. Any idiot can put 2 and 2 together on this one.
  24. Every year we are promised a PS5 and don't get one. You're missing the point.
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