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Everything posted by Kiebs13

  1. weird. his (manny's) wikipedia page says he was raised by " his mother, Rosa Machado, his grandfather, Francisco Nunez, and his uncle, Geovanny Brito." nothing about his dad.
  2. Lol. Proves that someone who has a relationship with him predicted the Sox would sign him earlier today
  3. Hector gomez posted this pic of him with manny earlier and said tbt. I wonder who is Machado source is lol.
  4. this list is missing people. one for sur is cody allen.
  5. So then everyone who did amphetamines before the steroid era should be out as well?
  6. @macsandz anything in regards to how the white sox are taking this statement?
  7. would love to hear from @raBBit and others with actual sources about how the White Sox front office is perceiving this. this situation is so fucked up.
  8. 100% I didn't articulate it very well because I needed to get that fuck everyone off my chest, but that was the jist of it lol.
  9. THIS. plus gomez (who has a solid track record) and passan aren't coming off of 8yrs and gomez specifically 250mm. we need to chill out lol
  10. He pretty much just said that arguing over 7/8 years is pointless right now because it is going to end up between 8 and 10 at a minimum of 30 AAV. All that matters right now is that the Sox definitely have a seat at the table and that can't be debated.
  11. Sox fans are blowing up Hector Gomez so hard on twitter. In the last hour he's agreed to go on a podcast, he's thanked multiple sox fans for backing up his report, and just quote tweeted a soxon35th member. lmao
  12. @raBBit what say you about this Buster/Bob report?
  13. this literally makes NO SENSE. the yankees didn't want to hit $200mm and weren't in it because of that. ow can the sox be considered a finalist if this offer is the case?
  14. I think something is going to happen today. Sounds close!
  15. Saying "white Sox land" and then following it with anything other than Machado was extremely cruel.
  16. Today is boring. I need something. This is the slowest this thread has been in days lol
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