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Posts posted by EloyJenkins

  1. 3 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Just said that Gavin Sheets is a potential OF option.  Wouldn’t be that big of a deal except for the fact he did this same song & dance last year and then actually went with the insane plan that back-fired as expected.

    If Gavin Sheets is your opening day starter...I am finally prepared to become a full time Braves fan. (context: I live down the street from their stadium)

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  2. 4 minutes ago, chw42 said:

    Is the $180 million mark Fegan mentioned the luxury tax payroll or the actual payroll? Cause our luxury tax payroll is estimated to be around $187 million already. But our actual payroll is $167 million. 

    And tax threshold is 233 mil for 2023. ABSOLUTELY NO reason to not be in the 215 range. 

    • Like 1
  3. Can you imagine walking into the Winter meetings hotel and you see GMs from the top 10 markets in baseball dropping 30+ mil contracts left and right (holding huge brief cases full of cash)...and Hahn is sitting in the corner worried that his $15 dollar manhattan may not be an approved business expense...

    • Haha 10
  4. 7 minutes ago, JoeCredeYes said:

    Now laughing out loud at being called a casual, pretty obsessed with the sport. 

    yeah...anyone who has an account on soxtalk and POSTs somewhat regularly being called a casual is the biggest case of message board virtue signaling I can imagine. 

    All hail Ray for being a REAL DIEHARD

    • Thanks 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, JoeCredeYes said:

    A broken 35 year old DeGrom just got 5-$185M, 29 year old Carlos has every right to ask for that deal and someone will likely pay it. 

    His agent is going to ask for MORE now that Verlander got that deal...and I agree...he should ask for it. If anyone does give it to him...well...good luck. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Jose Abreu said:

    I can't believe how negative the reaction to this is, considering we (rightfully) lambasted this team for not extending a QO to him last offseason. 6/180 is different of course, but all the "just wait until he falls apart in August!" people were wrong, and chances are they'll be wrong again.


    I wish we were actually a contender to sign him, but he's unfortunately too good of a player to be a realistic target at this point. I don't think the risk is that excessive since he has a relatively low innings load for his age

    I will take that bet. I was WRONG about last season...I guarantee you he doesn't pitch over 180 innings on more than 2 years of the 6. Shoulder issues will always linger and Carlos really isn't the model of diet/conditioning that can overcome it. 

  7. The rangers have spent nearly 750 million on 4 players that aren't even close to top 25 players in the league (maybe not top 50) Great plan...this totally won't blow up in their faces...

    • Haha 2
  8. what is the best corner outfielder Gio would net with at least 2 years of control? That makes sense...as well as signing a lefty LF if they can't find a good OF match and go prospects and a 2nd base starter instead. But 2nd base trade would need to be really good to make it worth it. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Vote4Pedro said:

    No. Literally the only thing on his record is being dumb during covid when he went out in town. So according to most he’s the scum of the earth like he committed a murder and deserves no second chance 

    does he deserve a second chance...sure, we all do. But to do this with an at risk manager at the helm just makes you an asshole that only cares about self...which is 95% of the issue with every covid denier. 

    • Like 2
  10. 2022 FA WAR per million was 8.5m. so if he is 1.5 WAR this season ( he averages 2.5+ when healthy) he will be worth 12 mil easily. I dont love the 4 mil loss here as far as other additions for the team...but in the grand scheme its not an over or under pay...its probably just about right.

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