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Everything posted by EloyJenkins

  1. This is going to be an unpopular opinion...but I think the Sox should trade Jimenez and prospect for a controllable #1 or #2 from another team. With Robert coming up and it much easier to buy a FA right or left fielder....I think that is their best chance to get elite talent. I know losing Jimenez would be a blow...but he simply can't survive in the outfield long term and Vaughn is the 1st baseman for the next 10 seasons. Signing Cole is the right idea...but it just won't happen and Hahn needs to have another creative idea.
  2. Cannon. Mark another checklist off the MLB ready no excuse list. Hahn is gonna have to get pretty creative
  3. yep. Swoon. 2020 & beyond is going to be so amazing.
  4. Robert has the Soriano 40/40 potential as a leadoff hitter. The fact that so many pitchers feature their fastball on the first batter of the game...Robert realistically could hit 20 HRs a year on first or 2nd pitch fastballs...Seriously.
  5. If he puts up a 900 OPS as a rook...the dude is going to be a top ten player in baseball in his prime without a doubt. 2021 has potential to be a no pants season...because I won't be able to afford ripping through so many...
  6. Was hoping he would go straight to WS, but his rise will be meteoric and exciting no matter where he goes.
  7. Palka? Really man. Ship has sailed on him
  8. weird to think that fun bad is basically done with for the foreseeable future. Going to be ulcer good going forward.
  9. Palka is getting sent down very soon and most likely DFA'd. thanks but no thanks.
  10. Hahn did pretty well this offseason all things considered. An All-star Catcher that we should retain and a shutdown closer. Jay is putting together nice at bats and they cut bait with the Yonder mistake. I just wish Herrera would turn it around. Nova is just a stop gap, so no worries there.
  11. ding ding ding. which is why AAA numbers, especially with the live ball were too heavily scrutinized. he will only get better as McCann learns him more. McCann is a must sign for them at this point.
  12. Giolito, Cole, Kopech, Cease. Cease easily becomes best #4 in baseball by 2021...?
  13. well boys...remember this game. THIS is the turning point of the rebuild.
  14. Cease's change is looking NICE. pitch count is going to be his biggest issue. Reminds me of Gio from 2 seasons ago in that regard.
  15. just got into the thread...is the sky still falling?
  16. Most excellent news. And pressure should be low since the garbage they have been throwing has set the bar LOW.
  17. Man reading people's reactions the last hour have been incredible. Just glad he is going to be fine...for the health of a dozen or so people here...
  18. And a reason why I wonder if they keep them down there longer. If basabe, Rutherford and others stay hot they may want to keep them together.
  19. this team is nearly 500 with this scrap heap of a pile. Can you imagine where they would be if Hahn actually spent the money properly?
  20. Man Alonso is such a waste of a roster spot. At least he isn't borderline and will get his needed at bats. He is a failure that soon will be gone. What a mess.
  21. Tonight's game was proof that Nova belongs in the NL. Hopefully the second half of the season we get a good AL version.
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