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Posts posted by EloyJenkins

  1. Just now, Princess Dye said:

    machado and harper would not both be on the same team at the end of this, for several reasons-- but chiefly-- that Boras will not share one cent more than he has to (from the same team) with a superstar player that isnt his

    but if Harper doesn't want to live in Philly, ultimately he has to decide that. He LOVES chicago and his buddy Bryant, and no way Machado's wife is going to want Philly....so at least that is one interesting part to this. Philly living is very lame compared to NY or Chicago. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, soxfan18 said:

    You do realize the difference between 250/8 and 350/10 is under 4 million a year, right? 

    The total mea means nothing here. 

    The early season predictions for machado and Harper were ten year minimum with 12/13 year deals desired. So 8 is an amazing feat even at 32 mil a year...this is prime of career ages we are talking here.

  3. Good write up shack...but if the Phillies pay Harper 10/376 without any real threat of a major market team (except the White Sox) they truly are idiotic for giving into Boras. 

    Harper should NOT get more than 10/345. 10/326 beats Stanton and they need to realize paying 50 million over that is just betting against themselves. The White Sox would NEVER go over 10/326 and I really bet they are more in the 8/290 realm with Bryce...hence no deal so far. 

  4. Starting pitching is much more abundant next off season...plus if all the outfield spects continue to advance they become better trade chips. Unless keuchels price drops  considerably and missing out on Grandal....there really aren't any other FAs worth pursuing except Manny and Harper. Get one and go crazy next year after further evaluations.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Whitesox27 said:

    Just because there's literally nothing else to talk about right now, if you're the Sox, would you give Machado 12 years and $350 million like the Phillies are rumored to be offering Harper today? 


    If Phillies sign Harper for that much they most likely shift to pitching and we can get Manny for 8/270 since no competition

  6. I wonder if I am the only one that would rather have harpchado over trout. The ages....the potential for 10-12 WAR (combined) seasons and the fact that we can trade our outfield prospect depth for other needs just seems better than paying 45-48 million a year for trout. And as great as trout is...Harper still gets equal or more buzz being an inferior player.

    • Thanks 1

    8 minutes ago, Roughneck said:

    Manny could sign a one-year deal for $40 mil and hit the market again next year. Or maybe Harper doesn't sign until February, and next week the Phillies sign Manny for less than our temporary offer because he doesn't want to deal with us anymore.

    Manny could rupture his Achilles tomorrow also and miss out on a huge opportunity to be set for life (he isn't doing a 1 year deal). Hopefully Philly just gets enamored with Bryce after Boras works his magic and RH stays his course and we get a 8/270 contract out of all this. This is all of us just throwing things at the wall because we are sick of waiting for more news. At least the work day is almost over....cheers.

  8. 2 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    Not only that, but you’re unlikely to get much back for Jay, Alonso, Castillo, Nova or Colome when half of their reason for being on the roster just went out the door (especially the first three guys).

    I do agree with this. But all these guys will contribute to the team this year as a bridge to Prospects or new signings next year. I am not saying it's the right move...just simply a move worth thinking about. No one knows if any kind of time frame deals from either side have been addressed.

  9. 1 minute ago, Perfect Vision said:

    I'm not sure what you mean by this.  You're not giving a deadline and you're not saying you wouldn't be willing to negotiate later.  You're acknowledging the current uncertainty in the market with a Harper/Phillies meeting that could go in different directions.  If Harper signs with the Phillies tomorrow, why would the Sox up their offer.  You're giving Lozano/Manny a way to mitigate that risk right now if they want by offering the extra year.

    exactly this. If Phils sign with Bryce this weekend, White Sox have no real competition on Manny...unless a "mystery" team is willing to pay more than 275 (which is most likely around our current offer)

  10. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    If you put $350 million for Machado on the table with a deadline, and next week he signed for $325 with the Phillies and you got nothing, wouldn't you feel pretty f***ing stupid for your negotiating tactic?

    Manny is not saying no to 350. and if we were indeed 25 million more than the Phillies with a sweetener....he would have already signed after the yankees news came out. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Roughneck said:

    Machado knows that the extra special 24 hour deal will still be on the table in a month if he is unsigned. The Sox aren't spending that money elsewhere. JR isn't going to de-authorize that money at 5pm tomorrow. Lozano would laugh at using that language. No upside to making such an offer, and only potential downside. This only works if the Sox are a potential playoff teams saying "We are either signing you or instead giving big contracts to these 2 guys, leaving no money. If you don't sign with us by tomorrow, we go in the other direction." Right now, there is no other direction for the Sox.

    He risks the sox getting into a bidding war with the phillies that pushes both of them out of machado. Machado would literally have no REAL suitors right now if Sox and Phils both go full bore at Bryce. I realize that the loser of Bryce would most likely go back to Machado, but this is a very odd market with very few suitors. It's really unbelievable to be honest. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, Roughneck said:

    But then you're being unnecessarily combative and risking pissing them off. They'd have no choice but to accept the Sox current offer? Then there is no risk to them. They could go back to the Sox in a week and take it if they aren't able to rope other teams in. Or maybe you piss him off to the point where he wants to take a short-term deal elsewhere just because he doesn't want to play for the Sox. No use calling it "take it or leave it" when you're acknowledging that's not the case and you'll still negotiate with him later if he wants.

    I never meant "take it or leave it"...I meant we are sweeting the pot for this exclusive period...The agent has probably already provided a similar time frame to the teams as well, so this is just amping up the stakes a bit more to get his client a sweetener. 

  13. Really interested to see how the timing of this all plays out. As some have mentioned today would be a good day to do a 24 hour offer for Manny and see how things play out. 

    Can you imagine though for one minute...if Bryce really doesn't like the idea of living in Philly and Dodgers won't pay up. 

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