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Posts posted by EloyJenkins

  1. 15 hours ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I think you gotta DH Burger over Sheets at this point.  Sheets has been sooooooo bad.  He had one 3 game stretch where he hit a homer each game, otherwise he's been DREADFUL.  This coming from the guy that wanted to add lefty bats as bad as anyone this offseason, but you cannot just keep running Gavin out there.  Especially in the OF like tonight.  Once Eloy is back, I just don't see any room for Gavin on this roster. 

    Sheets has been so bad...I think the sox should look at Conforto's health for the 2nd half run. Boras floated out he could be ready in August...I think you have to make that move at this point and hope he has a glorious run into the playoffs that gets him a healthy contract somewhere. "Hey Scott, remember when we did you a solid for Carlos, please return that favor with Michael. K...thanks."

  2. 35 minutes ago, brijames1957 said:

    Cut Moncada some slack. He has been in a lot of videos lately dancing with the hotties and he is just plain worn down. 

    I do wonder though how he can dance so much and have no leg issues but when he runs out routine grounders he looks like he has the legs of a 80 yr old. 

    You ever have sex with that many women and walk straight???

  3. 27 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I am a big Grandal guy, but I am at a loss.  He's truly been awful and his 22 play is simply not defendable.  At this point, at the very least, he needs to be dropped down to the bottom third of the order.  I am also not opposed to getting Perez up here and see what he can do a couple times a week.  McGuire is fine back up, but he's not the answer.  Definitely don't think we should be running Grandal out at DH much at all once Eloy returns. 

    this is where I am at. totally killing the team at the 5 spot or wherever else he lands. he needs to be hitting 7th

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