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Everything posted by EloyJenkins

  1. Ha. Never even caught that spelling error. But yeah, great BB plan there.
  2. why is everyone saying 2 years? the sox have him for 4 (they own the club options). if he is healthy, he will play out the contract and Boras will get him a huge bag. that ALWAYS was going to be the deal with him based on health. There is zero reason to trade him now unless they trade Cease and anyone else with a slice of value. like it or not....they need to sell SOME tickets and he is going to be the driver of that until his contract is up.
  3. yeah, seems like a get outta here before the market is diluted play
  4. 1. Fresh coat of handrail paint at GRF 2. Beggars pizza multi-year contract 3. Anticipated Promotional releases including a Fedde Krueger Bobblehead 4. New play by play guy probably wont do a nationwide jingle 5. Moncada reporting to spring training in the "best shape of his life" op ed 6. Ohtani's dirty underwear obtained by spring training equipment manager 7. "Be Royal" team mantra sign installed in locker room 8. Defensive WAR scoreboard live tracker addition at Getz request 9. Soroka 10. 3rd Dog day added to the calendar
  5. And add in the mlb.tv and Internet revenue and there is ZERO chance JR is losing money no matter what the payroll is as long as they don't go into luxury tax. Plus the Bulls continue to have great attendance even with a meh team, so the JR family funds are very good.
  6. same thoughts here. since it's a minor league deal I can stomach it...but it also is ridiculous that they don't have any no bat, toolsy guys in their own system already for league minimum.
  7. smart move by Braves IF the Boston 17mil is still in play (I'm 99% sure it is) basically they get him for league minimum this year, 19 mil next season, and 18 mil in 2026. at pitcher salary rates and the way Braves maximize pitcher value this seems much more reasonable on why they gave up Grissom
  8. Royals, Detroit and even Cleveland are not too far ahead. and Minny is best in division at 17...
  9. cheap ownership isn't possible when franchises cost over 2 billion to own now. You either have to see real value in money generation via TV deals and partnerships or be a freaking lunatic like Cohen that just want play time. The only concern I would have would be a committee ownership group...they definitely tend to be more conservative to the bottom line.
  10. I am definitely looking at the Karma points for saying they will get first (it was a bit of a joke to cast that), but I really don't think any team in this division is miles ahead of anyone. The Twins lost their pitching and I just haven't seen enough out of Cleveland or Detroit to see them on the 90 win path. I doubt the Sox win anymore than 75...but stranger things have happened in baseball (and my assumption is with Cease on roster...they trade him and yeah, it's for sure last place)
  11. I tried to add some optimism. Whomever wins...it won't be with more than 80-84 wins, so I honestly think it will be whichever teams starting pitching stays healthy. that could literally be any team...this division blows.
  12. This is why Sox settled for fedde and Flexen. 16 mil for Montas is bonkers. Jerry might as well sell. If #4s are 16+ mil on prove it deals, Sox will never compete again
  13. That seems excessive for the 7 era he carried in the second half. Cease will get a bounty.
  14. Relievers are the biggest crapshoot in baseball. At 1.8 and under Bannister maybe he can show some improvement and easily net a flier at trade deadline or digest some lefty innings. The crying over this one makes you all sound like whiny know it alls
  15. Royals are spending some money...but is it good money? These seem like mid tier moves to me. I know the Sox suck, but this division even with the Royals and Tigers getting FA signings still feels winnable by anyone...Twins are taking a step back and the Guardians are just meh. Seems like a really odd time to be rebuilding when the next 2-3 years of the division will be won by the team that gets injured the least.
  16. Tampa's method of business is just unreal smart. How has Jerry not realized he can MAKE EVEN MORE PROFIT if he just hired all of the Rays staff/executives...
  17. Spending bad money on an overpay though because they can afford it is asinine. Korean hitters rarely translate well to MLB and they just paid him elite outfielder money
  18. Holy overpay. This league....well, Sox fans and small market teams are so F'd.
  19. Which contract will be worse, 10/700 for Ohtani or 9/300 for Yamamoto? IMO both are going to look poor in 3-4 years, but Yamamoto isn't even guaranteed to be a success without seeing him against MLB talent.
  20. Anyone also complaining about him skipping last year...his wife delivered their baby 3 months early and the baby fought for his life. If anything this means he is a good guy. The team needs more of those.
  21. With this division and if these pitchers stay healthy...now you add in premium defense and framing....this team is gonna actually compete for the division, aren't they...? The Twins are taking a step back and Tigers and Royals suck. Anyone complaining about this move for like a million dollars are nuts
  22. Baseball is ruined. Seriously. Contract 10 teams at least, because all free agents will be 200+ mil going forward and shitty owners wont pay.
  23. I was a bit skeptical of this one at the cost. 2/10 would have been awesome....but after the Bannister tweet, maybe he truly did unlock his potential. He has a blue chip pedigree and promise that never happened, but mostly im just glad he pitched 180 innings. Sox need some innings eaters and 7-8 mil is that range in this market. A gamble that could really pay off and maybe see Getz has some savvy.
  24. Do the Sox ever make sense? That was my point. And this board is insufferable enough without listening to incessant bitching about the top 1or 2 pick they would have gotten wrong.
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