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Everything posted by EloyJenkins

  1. Those were great pitches. that first low strike really set the tone that at bat
  2. Sox win 6-3. Robert with a 3-run homer. Speak it into existence.
  3. yeah, Rodon/Lynn today and Gio/Kopech tomorrow really makes most sense.
  4. 5-6 innings of 2 run or less ball is a MUST today to force game 5 if he wants to be the ACE. Lynn is a nice insurance policy, but Carlos needs to let it all out.
  5. Robert has claimed his rightful throne on the number 3 spot for the next 10-15 years. Rejoice Sox brethren, for the future is NOW.
  6. Shocked at 3-1. I thought Boston had a chance to take it to game 5, but wow Rays defense really folded. Red Sox are absolutely beatable in ALCS. Two games boys...two wins!
  7. Luis Robert is going to do bad, bad things to the "Ace" tomorrow. Bank it.
  8. I gotta think Dusty wants the safety Net of McCullers at home. Honestly if they switch that up...and pitch him tomorrow, Sox are winning this series.
  9. Let it fly vs Urquidy. 66% of contact against him is flyball/line drive. Not sure how confident he is in his slider, but it tends to be more of an inside pitch to righties based on his charts. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/player-scroll?player_id=664353#pitchTypes
  10. Lynn should be fired up and KNOWS Gio is getting game 5. He has to be the bridge, and he HAS to locate better and mix in some form of off-speed if at all possible. If you get 3-4 from each of Rodon and Lynn, that is an awfully great combo if they are on. I feel great about them each getting 1-2 times through without any 3rd At Bat hiccups. Throw all the deception every at bat.
  11. I apologize for over drinking, yelling at AJ and falling asleep in the bottom of the 8th. Also, sorry Leury, we bow to that MASSIVE bomb you hit. In person that must have been bananas.
  12. Tepera has been such a shot in the arm for this team. Really think he is the modernAce of this bullpen.
  13. I disagree. Situationally him getting 2-3 that game was fine.
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