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The Critic

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  1. It's an easily singable chant, to the tune of "Here we go, White Sox, here we go" "Sell the team, Jerry, sell the team!" [clap clap]
  2. I would be using the intros to these songs, I'd be at the plate or on the mound before the lyrics kicked in: Batting: Killed By Death by Motorhead Pitching: Trust by Megadeth (it's a longer intro, so it would fit the walk from the bullpen better)
  3. Hey, if you're going to be stupid about extra-inning games, at least be NHL-stupid and give the losing team 1/2 a win or something! Don't let hockey be the only sport that rewards a losing team!!
  4. So far I'm going to a game on my birthday and that's it. I'm sure I'll end up at a few more games because it's baseball, but I'm not too motivated to lock in for any more yet.
  5. Buerhle, McDowell, Wood, Alvarez, Stone and Floyd for spot starts
  6. The way MLB can screw anything up, we'll end up with a Robot Joe West and a Robot Angel Hernandez. I'm all for whatever it takes to get the calls right. There should be no "pitchers' umpires" or "hitter's umpires" or fluctuating zones. A strike is a strike and good on whatever gets us there.
  7. I am convinced that if TLR remained healthy, Jerry would have kept him on until he got managerial win #3,000. No matter how long it took.
  8. I hope they're not limiting the shirt/jersey sizes again this year. That made the giveaways worthless to me.
  9. If he wasn't so close to 3,000 managerial wins, I would be more confident that he won't be back. I WANT to be wrong, I would LOVE to be wrong, but my feeling is he sticks around until he gets #3,000 and then he rides off into the sunset.
  10. And the 2022 Sox left all of them on base.
  11. Changing The Game...Into Something You Don't Want To Watch.
  12. It's originally from The Thing, from the Fantastic Four.
  13. YOUR 2022 White Sox - watch your fingers, the window is closing!
  14. My chip dip is thoroughly blended to a delicious orange concoction. I find your wife's method very curious.
  15. The ketchup/mustard mix is my favorite dip for potato chips. Also, ketchup is the only must-have condiment for my hot dogs, and sport peppers are trash.
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