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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Look at Ray Ray Run last won the day on December 16 2024

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    Oak Park

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  • Favorite Sox player
    Tim Anderson
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    Joe Crede walk off double vs Cleveland
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  1. Moniak is awful. Pass.
  2. I think you and Jerry R are the only people alive who thought Chris Getz deserved a GM job.
  3. Dave deserved the jobs he was given. He had earned them, whether I agree with his strategy or not. Chris didn't deserve or earn his job, and therefore does not deserve any benefit of the doubt.
  4. Dave is notorious for getting owners over the finish line. His owners spend as much, in a lot of ways, because of Dave. The optimal organization structure in baseball hasn't been a secret - you could hire a consultant to tell you how to build and hire. A GM job is to come up with their own model, not copy everyone else. At least in my opinion.
  5. I've hated on Dave at points in his career, but imagine comparing Dave D to Chris Getz. By the time Dave took over the Tigers he had already built two franchises.
  6. The hires are just the Sox copying what other teams do. You can catch up that way but will then fall behind again. Getz isn't doing anything new, so I'm not going to get too excited about that piece.
  7. The worst team in MLB history followed by another year where you say they MUST be one of the three worst, nets a C. I hope you're not teaching America's youth with those standards. I love that you call the crochet deal a win/big return. Let's wait and see there, Jimmy.
  8. You ask me a question. I tell you the factual answer. You then disagree. Weird stuff.
  9. Surgery Is the players call. A lot to blame the Sox for, and thorpe stinks anyway, but this isnt one of them.
  10. Hard to blame the team much for off season injury news. That's usually coming from the players camp given.
  11. Yes, some of us have done everything we can to pretend last year didn't happen altogether.
  12. Do you have any statistical reason as to why the projections are wrong? The projections aren't assuming anything, you are. I know how bad the rotation is projected to be, and even though I made a prediction that Burke and Smith will be average MLB starters, it's very unlikely that this rotation outperforms last years. Where the Sox should be better, I'd hope, is on the position player side.
  13. The top four starters for the White Sox this year are projected for 4.6 total fWAR (and that's with all with > 120 IP projected!) Garrett Crochet was worth 4.7 fWAR last year. Fedde and Crochet were worth 8.1 fWAR combined.
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