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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Actions speak louder than leaked reports by your PR arm following failure. Everything the sox said about a seat at the table was embarrassing then and is even more embarrassing three years later as they're still drinking milk at the adults table while the rest of the table sips on champagne. The sox dress like adults but act like children.
  2. I now have my doubts. Wouldn't shock me if his agent didn't say Zack isn't all in, you'd have to blow him away. Sox proceed to offer 2 million more than their initial offer. At this point, after countless lies about landing a huge fish multiple off seasons in a row , the sox have turned me into a white sox conspiracy theorists. After all, conspiracies are bred from distrust caused by a lack of integrity. White Sox baseball operations 101.
  3. Yes, and the premise is sustained by the fact that he never has. Offering contracts that aren't going to be signed isn't offering a contract by any means. I could offer Machado 240 million to play for my local travel team but it wouldn't mean I was actually ever at risk of paying that contract. No team knew more about what Machado wanted; no team negotiated longer with Machado. The Sox knew exactly what they were doing with Machado and the incentive laden contract.
  4. So that means he's going sign with the Cardinals? What? So he can not be with his brother, but have the same affiliation? I didn't know we were selling Reach toothbrushes on soxtalk.
  5. How many 9 figure contracts have the White Sox actually signed in their existence of their franchise? Zero.
  6. Joc is a low average low contact player; the floors for those players is abysmal even if theyre good players. Two of his past four seasons he has hit 212 or under and had a fWAR per 162 under 1. He's also a low BABIP player who relies on converting a lot of fly balls into production. This way of baseball works, I'm not arguing otherwise, but it's also volatile and the Sox have been on the wrong end of that way too many times for me to trust going forward.
  7. We've been saying this for 20 years. In fact, going into last year the argument was from many, including myself, even if Mazara is just Mazara that's a "huge upgrade." Turns out below average players are much more capable of being terrible.
  8. The Dodgers didn't trade for Mookie Betts to get to know him; they traded for him a year early because they wanted to win a World Series now and not the year he became a FA.
  9. In other words, NL owners don't want to pay for an additional position player this year; which is the word coming from NL baseball people, that there will be no DH next year. Slash, slash, slash....
  10. Yeah, I heard the DH was a near no for next year but will be renegotiated on the CBA and likely will be put in then.
  11. If your argument is the White Sox should trade for elite talent the year before they become a free agent and offer them the exact deal they ask for, then I'll agree that is a nice way of doing it as well; that costs even more money than Free Agency. Mookie Betts didn't become a Free Agent because the Dodgers offered him what he asked for and wanted in Free Agency.
  12. They just resigned Mookie Betts for 365 million dollars and you're comparing how they operate to the White Sox? In order for the Dodgers to get Mookie they also took on David Prices contract. What loaded farm system did the Dodgers trade from? They also got, arguably, the best prospect in the deal - Graterol. Jeter Downs was the only top 100 prospect they gave up. They traded Verdugo from a crowded outfield of accumulated talent so he was the one accumulated talented piece they moved. So to review, they basically swapped contracts with Price/Maeda who are rather similar and equal pitchers, but Maeda much more affordable. And they got the second best player in the game, and arguably the highest ranked prospect in the trade depending on what publication you respect, in Graterol. They gave up Alex Verdugo for Mookie Betts. Oh, and a 2nd round pick from the Twins. I would have drove Eloy to Boston myself on a bicycle if you promised me we'd get and sign Mookie Betts for 12 years for Eloy. The Dodgers did all of this with money.
  13. Eloy, Again... and Manny's agent was telling everyone he wanted to play SS and stay on the East Coast. Manny is playing 3rd base in San Diego. Can we stop pushing these excuse driven narratives that the White Sox push out to excuse their cheap asses?
  14. You should probably include the pieces your trading for Lynn in this scenario, and regardless... no Colome? La Stella? So we can watch them turn into Jeff Keppinger and Herrera? No thanks. This team doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt shopping in the aisles they'll be shopping in. THey've shown us over and over again they can't pluck talent from that level successfully; as recently as this past season.
  15. No positions are guaranteed or "locked down." Madrigal is no guarantee, Abreu is older, Luis has never proved himself consistently, Eloy still hasn't shown he can stay healthy and play the field, Moncada misses 1 month every year. I'm as excited about the future as anyone, but this narrative that there's no chance any of those guys aren't stars completely ignores the countless other young teams who thought they could trade a Gleybar Torres because Addison Russell had SS locked down for a decade to come. Baseball doesn't work that way. An accumulation of talent is required for sustained success.
  16. Easy to make a promise when you know you're never going to have to deliver on it. edit; At this point, I wouldn't be shocked to hear the Sox were told they'd have to offer 130 to get Wheeler so they countered to 125 lol.
  17. I can't wait to watch Springer patrol right field for a team that isn't the Sox next year. We'll excuse the actions of this ownership group over and over; oh, "George really likes New York." Amazing how other teams who go after high end targets and convert are never making those excuses. I heard Manny Machado did NOT want to go to the West Coast under any circumstance. Weird how that works.
  18. It happens every year because the White Sox do this EVERY SINGLE YEAR; like in the entire history of the organization. Man, I was mr optimistic at one point. That optimism simply isn't warranted or justified in any way.
  19. I can't wait to spend on: Kelvin Herrerra Wellignton Castillo Melky Cabrera Zach Duke Jeff Keppinger Jon Jay Yonder Alonso How exciting! The White Sox had a clear hole in their outfield - the one good player there available they're not in on. The White Sox had a clear hole in their rotation - the one top level player available there, they're not interested in. When the White Sox said they're going to spend, that just means they'll likely spend a little more than they have the past 5 years when they weren't even trying.
  20. The first report from a national writer on the White Sox off-season is "they're not in on this player because he's a high tier talent in FA" and you don't understand how that is frustrating to fans who have watched this episode play on repeat for 40 years?
  21. Oh my... the Sox were printing money for the past few years without spending a dime on the product. They didn't lower ticket prices to accommodate the fact that they stopped spending money on on-the-field talent. They didn't decrease their TV revenue. They made money hand over foot without even trying to put a quality product on the field. Now that their time has come the excuse is the pandemic as if they haven't been stocking their ledger with cash for the past 15 years to cover something like this. Why would the Sox take on significant money in a trade for pitching but not be willing to spend significant money on a "Free Agent."
  22. Yup, this is my entire point. This team spent no money for YEARS under the guise that they were going to spend when the time came to supplement their core. They said such over and over. They made money hand over foot without investing in a quality product for years. Now that time is here and we're talking about signing the same shit level players we've been signing for years. I will never stick through another rebuild with this organization for as long as Jerry owns the team. The point of that horrible product we were asked to watch for years was that in the end, it would be worth it and they would invest in the product. They were full of shit.
  23. Yeah, at this point if I were Rick Hahn I'd be looking to move on to greener pastures. If he wants to stick it out a year or two to see what his guys do, that would make sense, but if ownership is going to hire your manager without your approval, and then refuse to spend on any real talent, why would you want to work for that guy? Such a weird situation. The Sox are the cheapest team, in terms of paying high end talent, in all of the game possibly. That's embarrassing. And people like Harold have the nerve to say Hahn never signs good FA which is why Jerry is reluctant lol; as if Hahn is supposed to find stars in the bargain bin.
  24. you're shocked that sox fans who were told by people around the team that they were going after springer and even offered him early, thought the Sox were in on Springer? What?
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