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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Yes I'm sure corruption and the likes stops at businesses. Smh Waiting on the process to play out is stupid in a dui case... fine. Drawing conclusions in cases like these with no real details from both sides is just wrong.
  2. The Mexican judicial system is ripe with corruption and bribery and beyond. You trying to pretend that's not a reality is really odd. You trying to turn it into me being xenophobic is comical. The video shows randy saying he's the only one who provides for her and why can't he take his daughter when he takes care of her yada yada. Family matters are complicated. I Imagine even harder in foreign countries.
  3. https://www.ganintegrity.com/portal/country-profiles/mexico/ Look at this xenophobic analysis of mexicos judicial system.
  4. And thats great. And he may very well be found guilty of the charges. Please spare the credibility speech regarding the Mexican judicial process though and the authority you are placing on their word. Randy's agent? No i just don't gossip much about domestic issues involving children; especially young children. Life is complicated and family affairs can be the most complicated. And yes I think if he was caught beating his wife id likely have a different opinion of the ordeal; however fair that is of me.
  5. Sounds pretty cut and dry lol. The internet is an amazing place. As I said, maybe randy is just crazy and a pos... or maybe there's more to a personal family story than can be read about in post incident press report. Citing Mexican police or authorities as a factual report with immense credibility is absolutely comical.
  6. Yes because there's no other story here. Hilarious to read some absolute take about a story with very few details. Lets say... what if the grandfather was said to be beating the child? Or the mother was neglecting/putting the child in harms way. Or maybe randy is just crazy. Idk any of those things and neither do you.
  7. Got in a fight with the other man. No point in casting stones in cases like this with no real details.
  8. I like Marquez more over the next 4 years than Snell fwiw.
  9. No chance. Glasnow dominated minor league baseball in a way kopech never did. Glasnow was a better prospect than kopech and and has a higher ceiling imo. Glas, imo, is one of the top 3 ceiling arms in baseball.
  10. Jerry might as well have been the Don Corleone of the first strike leadership.
  11. I think this is part of it. Guys more willing to spend decent on 1-2 year deals since if either season plays thru that means things had improved financially for the future.
  12. Question with crochet isn't can he succeed in the mlb next year; its can he succeed in the way you want him to in the future.
  13. This is going to be an interesting off-season for a lot of reasons, but this off-season is almost the perfect storm in regards to being terrible for free agents. The CBA is set to expire as is, and COVID is still going to be running into next season. The players have less leverage than they have ever had. I have been thinking about all the things going against free agents this off-season and I think it could be even slower of an off-season than we've had the past couple of seasons. 1. Owners have significant uncertainty heading into next season with COVID still ravaging. Many teams took on substantial losses and will use that as an excuse to not invest at all. The fact that there are even rumblings that a player of Kris Bryant's quality could be non-tendered (he won't be) truly exemplifies the difficulties players face this off-season. Many teams are cutting wages. 2. The CBA is looming and there could be a stoppage. Owners pairing that concern with COVID may get ultra tight with the pocket book. The CBA has a lot to work out, and free agents are better off - probably - trying to extend their FA out a year or two by signing shorter deals. 3. Typically players who wait out the market don't lose any earnings and usually get what they want; this off-season I think we are going to see a flood of early lower signings on 1-2 year deals, but the players looking to get paid are going to be sitting out there for a long time... and unlike years past, if COVID gets worse, and ballparks are looking at closings again and the CBA negotiations go poorly you could see something like 75% of teams sitting out FA almost entirely. This would make me optimistic as a White Sox fan but Reinsdorf very rarely breaks rank and file and if other owners are claiming poor and non-tendering quality players I worry he won't spend. This might be the worst year to be a FA imaginable. People that think Springer signs early; I hope you're right. Springer signing early would be a good sign that the market won't be dead for the entire off-season, but I think we get a bunch of shorter contracts signed relatively quickly - as midlevel to low level guys jump out at offers - and the bigger players are either short-terming their way to high AAV, or they are sitting out there maybe past February.
  14. All of us obsessed with White Sox baseball are suffering from some kind of mental disability. ?
  15. I was responding to ChiSox, no worries; I'm not sure why he took my comment as a shot at the kid. Either way, let's sign Springer and everyone take it easy on Mike. Plenty of non-White Sox fans out there we can shred for fun.
  16. Huh? The guy i tweeted was being critical of the guy and attacking him. I was literally defending the guy. I pointed out that I think he was reading things about Mike wrong and that Mike is just a passionate kid who I think suffers from a disorder/disability or whatever you want to call it. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
  17. What? I wasnt making fun of the kid at all. I was actually saying people should stop being a dick head to him as I think he suffers from a disability. Seems like a nice enough kid.
  18. I'm like 90% sure chisoxmike is some kind of autistic or learning disabled kid who loves the white sox.
  19. Corbin Burnes is 26, he's never thrown more than 145 innings in a professional season. The last two years he threw 71 innings and 116 innings (not counting the 60 game season); I'm not hitching my rotation to that wagon; durability and proven ability to pitch deep into the season is 90% of a pitchers value when acquiring him IMO, and Burnes has never shown anyone he can throw a lot of innings and hold up and be successful. Again, he's a talented kid and could have a nice career. Eloy Jimenez is damn near guaranteed to be a 40+ HR guy for about 8 years. You don't move a guy with his bat and hitting ability for an unproven 26 year old SP during the middle of a contention window.
  20. And don't get me wrong, Burnes is a nice piece but I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than trade a top tier young hitter who has proven he can succeed for an arm that has 60 successful innings under his belt. There are Corbin Burnes popping up every year; young guys who explode onto the scene and pitch real well; only to succumb to injury, or fall off, or diminished stuff, and on and on. I prefer young pitchers that haven't pitched in the big leagues, and older pitchers with a proven track record of health and success. That middle tier guy who hasn't proven himself but has look great in spots flames out over and over. It's why when I said German Marquez was the 13th ranked starter in baseball over the past three years some didn't believe it. Fact is, most guys aren't even healthy enough to pitch enough innings to earn enough value over three year periods. Durability is so important for a SP.
  21. Well, that's just completely whacko. Not only has Eloy been a better player to-date while being 4 years younger, but he's also controlled for two extra years.
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