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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. LOL wuht? Based on what? He's been promoting this BS since day 1. He very clearly finds this funny and not to be a big deal. As do many old drunk dullards on the internet who have gone through their lives with no regard for others.
  2. 100%. Tired of wealthy people and famous people and etc not having to follow the same legal system and laws that the majority do. Im glad you think that's cool. Maybe they'll toss you some scraps from the big boy table for all your water carrying. Poor - go to jail. Rich - get handys from weird guys like harold who would be going to jail of they did it. Hopefully your hero gives you the proper attention for all your hard work.
  3. Lol. It was a fucking dui. He tested over the legal limit. Them getting off on a technicality doesn't change what happened. In fact its just more embarrassing now.
  4. Hilarious that you think this is funny or cool. Yes, how great that rich and wealthy people like La Russa with billionaire friends don't actually have to follow the law and can endanger peoples lives with no repercussions. Get fvked for this one, harold.
  5. Marquez is awesome. I dont think you are giving him enough credit at all.
  6. It is absolutely a high school, but it's not high school baseball as most understand it or remember it. Id be surprised if these schools - who pump out big league and D1 talent - didn't have developmental coaches that focus on individual skills over group teachings at every level. Katz is obviously good at what he does, but his approach to pitcher teachings is pretty wide spread at that level of amateur ball. Excited to see him get to work. And I know you're bashing Cooper, and he didn't make the initial suggestion, but he was willing to listen to giolito and he obviously adjusted and accepted the change and worked with it during seasons which absolutely still matters.
  7. You cant tell a coach who he can and can't help during the off season. They don't control his right to teach.
  8. I've thought about this as well but the issue with this scenario is it means reinsdorf is an even bigger POS than anyone thought. "I'll only try and spend money if you accept my drunk racist uncle as your leader!"
  9. After reading the past couple pages of this thread, maybe Harold is Tony La Russa. Would be a wild turn of events!
  10. What does this mean? He submitted to a blood test via a warrant 3.5 hours after his DUI stop and he was still over the legal limit. Who are you to tell anyone how important an issue is to them; especially an issue causing 10,000 unnecessary deaths a year.
  11. Driving while drunk is already a crime, and in Arizona it's a crime enough so that La Russa could easily spend a day in jail. I believe the thought process in making the laws more damning - as they did in Arizona - is that it will cause ramifications in ones life that would cause them to think twice before doing such an act. It's not Arizona, or any other states fault, that those ramifications didn't take place in this situation because Jerry Reinsdorf didn't give a shit. So fans are doing exactly what they should do if they feel strongly about it; they're speaking with their wallets, which in this broken greed-centric capitalistic society we have been forced to participate in is the only power a consumer has. People citing that "innocent" people could lose their jobs and etc is complete nonsense. The Sox print money - as do all professional sports teams - and if they chose to fire employees because fans were pissed that they gave power to a Morris Buttermaker and boycotted their decision, that is 100% the fault of management and ownership who neglected what their supporters felt was right, and chose an immoral stance over the moral one. Blaming someone who is standing on principal over the person who is standing by cronyism is complete nonsense.
  12. Can I ask why id call my local government representative to complain about a team I follow hiring a drunk who loves to drive impaired? No idea how this thread has devolved to this point, but thats a weird turn.
  13. The Tim Anderson quote about Jose Abreu from opening day says everything you need to know about the human being he is; and it has nothing to do with my opinion agreeing with Tim. When your guys are out on an island in life, you have two choices; to allow them to sit by themselves in loneliness to avoid controversy, or to join them understanding that two is always stronger than one even if you can't 100% personally understand the island your guy chose to be on. At the end of the day; that's support, that's a teammate, and that's mad love.
  14. I'm watching this while cutting some onions! Man, so happy for this guy.
  15. O Where do you see fisk employment history? Also, fisk statue was up well before his dui arrest. He was also hired 5 years before the dui and saying he is in a public facing position is laughable. I had no idea fisk "worked" for the sox today.
  16. Just taking a late night strole through the local corn field! Fisk is a dickhead too.
  17. It's a fine hire, certainly doesn't reinstill confidence in the organization though. And I worry that Katz, with no formal head-pitching coach in the big leagues, could easily be drowned out by La Russa. This worries me because his is so different than Tony and Tony - by all accounts - is in charge.
  18. So you think he was one of the mathematical improbability of people who just did it twice and happened to get caught twice? You're an analytical thinker; what do you think the odds are that Tony has driven drunk twice in 13 years and gotten caught both times? I think tomorrow I'm going to be more pissed as Jose Abreu wins an MVP - after a disturbingly sad journey to the USA, and then working his ass off after he arrived to become great - and he's forced to answer questions about this because his bosses didn't speak up before his big moment.
  19. La Russa is a drunk; that is widely known throughout the game. The issue with asking for reputable sources to present this information to you is that it will never happen; baseball and sports reporters just aren't in that business. They have incentive to not really push certain personal narratives about people. It's the same way steroids were widely known for a decade but not really out in the public sphere. There's too much incentive tied to connections, and you can't do your job if you're black listed.
  20. If people really cancelled their season tickets, the Sox might make a move. Maybe I'm just being naive though. The Nightengale thing has actually made me significantly more angry. To hear that POS say it's not a big deal and that Arizona laws are tough and yada yada.... he blew a .09. That's ILLEGAL everywhere, and with the way Nightengale has downplayed it, he was probably out boozing with Tony that night.
  21. As said above, driving drunk in the modern era - for a man with tons of money - is just so reckless and disrespectful and selfish. If the excuse is he's old so he doesn't have apps, then he shouldn't be managing a modern baseball team.
  22. Oh I get it; I agree. I'm just saying him speaking out makes a lot more sense now given that he likely knew he was going to accept. As opposed to Harold's narrative that he "knew" the Sox weren't interested which was complete nonsense.
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