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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. "We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina" While this sounds funny, I don't put anything past these people anymore. Republicans pretending like they'd check him is absolutely comical.
  2. There is nothing that says the electoral college has to vote with it's constituents choice.
  3. Trump is nearing levels of absurdity that things could be very dangerous out there. Be safe out there guys. This guy wants nothing more than to cause violence.
  4. I still have my doubts about how much Trump actually wanted to be POTUS. I'd be shocked if he went through this process again.
  5. Yeah, but there's really no reason to believe the states are going to take him down now. They've done nothing to him for 50 years. They're not going to start holding them accountable now.
  6. Trumps pardon list is going to be an interesting one, and never forget that he can pardon his family for any crimes that occurred prior that have not been charged.
  7. +about 320ish was the peak Florida was scary, but felt possible. I couldn't have been more wrong anyway; I said no way he wins without PA and it looks like he might. Shows that the reason for the bet might be awful, but the result could be glorious.
  8. COVID may have been the deciding factor after all. Nevada and Vegas especially got hit worse than any other state due to it's sole reliance on tourists. SO many lost their jobs and houses.
  9. https://twitter.com/matthewstoller/status/1324099938259787778?s=20 https://twitter.com/matthewstoller/status/1324099938259787778?s=20 Stoller is an economist I would recommend.
  10. We'll agree to disagree; from a financial understanding of the word it's just not socialism. He is not transferring ownership from the few to the many; he is merely asking the few to distribute wealth to the masses in a way that is logical and in line with the actual impact people have on a company. Either way, we're arguing semantics and I think you are pointing out how the media evolves a "boogey man" word to mean entirely different things. It's similar to how everyone was a communist back in the day if they questioned the machine.
  11. It's not though; the way socialism is used as a "bad word" entails exactly what I defined. Unless you think Unions and workers rights are bad, and that people don't deserve health care and an education, you support Sanders "Socialism." I don't think it's absurd to ask banks to stop profiting off the death of others. I used the Goldman/Commodities/Corn example yesterday, but Goldman lobbying to remove regulation to prevent price manipulation in the commodities futures market to make it more profitable for them, which in turned led to them exploiting the price of corn and grains so much so that it became too expensive for poor parts of the world and led to the starvation of 100+ million people is horrible. In this country, we literally argue it's capitalism. It caused immense pain for millions of people globally because Goldman didn't think it was making enough on regulated futures. The entire reason the regulation was put in place was to prevent that... No one in this country talks about it, no media, no politicians. 100+ million people... starving because Goldman wanted to increase their margins. It's flat out wrong.
  12. Words meanings actually matter. I know people just enjoy making up new meanings, but it doesn't make them true. Socialism is the collective ownership of production and distribution; regulated by "the people' and not government policy. By no means has Sanders have promoted the changing of ownership to be an entirely collective effort. Unless you think unions are socialist, give it a rest.
  13. I got to say, I've been very impressed by how cordial and respectful the conversation has been here and it gives me hope - however micro - for the future of discord throughout the country!
  14. And this would be fine, if I saw you as outraged about Steve Cohen buying the Mets as you are about Tom stealing bread from the safeway. Fact is, people are much more angry at poor people for stealing. It's baffling.
  15. In relative to the costs today? Uh yeah, a college education back then had a ROI over about 10,000% over a lifetime. The ROI on a college education today is under water for many students.
  16. I've explained this before, but while I view theft as a morally wrong choice that is because I'm privileged enough to view it that way. I've never felt that I was deprived of things - whether food or supplies or technology - that the masses had. It doesn't anger me that people who have been denied basic liberties and hope over 150 years are expressing themselves in ways that make me uncomfortable. Instead of judging actions, I have chosen to analyze the root cause of their desperation.
  17. Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. Bernie Sanders is literally just fighting to restore a system similar to that which existed pre-Reagan for the most part. He still believes in capitalism, he merely thinks it needs extreme checks and balances - which it does! - and that wealth distribution is broken and needs to be reworked. Profit cannot be the sole driver of business - this was literally already shown to use in the Gilded Age 130 years ago. Bernie doesn't want corporations to strip workers rights and etc. These aren't socialist policies IMO. He also thinks health care is a universal right which is not socialist to me; it's just being reasonable and empathetic.
  18. illegality is a response of the oppressed. There is a reason crime is higher in impoverished communities and it's not because none of them have a moral compass and etc. The laws are made by the elite and in the current environment are only enforced on the poor; the war on drugs vs the Sacklers accountability is a great example of this. It's easy to do right when you're not desperate; in fact, it's why the rich who do so much wrong are that much worse imo. Desperation for the entirety of man kind has led to people lashing out; hell, it's how most democracies we adore were established. We seem to excuse greed - when it entails stealing billions - as the way it is but when people steal out of need or necessity, we refer to them as losers and criminals. It's really odd.
  19. I mean, they all dropped out at a time that could not have been more planned. And yes, Bernie has issues with minorities at times because he focus on class first. This has led some to even call him racist, which is a media talking point. I actually think if you uplift class, you would see a dramatic reduction in racism and etc. I think it's a viable plan, but it does not play into the identity politics that has overtaken discord and politics in general in this country. Social issues typically evolve with political issues.
  20. Biden has been very adamant that he was elected because people didn't want progressive policies - he practically shouted it at every debate. I'm here NOT BERNIE! Democrats conveniently leave out that while Bernie may not have one on his own merits if given the chacne, he also was not given a chance to win fair and square in either year.
  21. The funniest part of his stop order to me is this.
  22. Ding ding ding. Things like health care for all and etc are widely popular. Hell, conservative states are on their way to legalizing weed and Oregon just decriminalized all drugs (great move) and etc and we have Biden not even on board federally. The party is just so far behind what the people want that every election is a pitch of voting for the lesser of two evils.
  23. In debates on a national level, we ask candidates every year "how are you going to capture the black vote... the latino vote." That question alone is incredibly disrespectful IMO. My wife doesn't really do politics, but she watched a debate with me where that was a question and her response was classic: "I don't even agree with my cousins or mom on what movies to watch, (let alone) abortion and safety nets. They think we just agree on everything?"
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