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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Balta, Democrats have been in power plenty over the last 30 years. Let's stop pretending like they have had their hands tied for 30 years while trying to help the people in need. That's nonsense. Clinton deregulated wall street - Obama decriminalized theft by corporations and banks. Clinton passed the Crime bill. Obama enhanced immigration policy to the point of exploitation by trump. NAFTA destroyed thousands of lives in the midwest, and I'm not saying trade agreements are terrible; Im saying you HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN to take care of those who you are leaving behind while moving forward. You can't just let generations die and lose all hope.
  2. What groups? You are missing the point. Those people voted Democrat for YEARS. They switched, and it's not because they're all racist goons and it certainly isn't because they believe in Trumps fiscal policies and gold toilets. This is what I meant by I hope democrats can self reflect but I think many will be incapable of doing so.
  3. I agree with this as well, but I don't blame those people for being hesitant. They have been lied to endlessly. You can change their mind with actions; show them that a huge green new deal comes with new training and opportunities for everyone who was displaced by it's implementation. Show them that taxing the rich is actually beneficial by investing back in those communities and not into corporate bail outs and bank fraud. Actions speak louder than words, and people are tired of the word fodder from people who have shown them very little love.
  4. Neither of those books say people can't see through political manipulation. Those books focus on those who have been left behind after being promised many things, and then shamed as losers who should have done more to succeed in life. From WV, to inner city detroit and chicago, to ND and SD natives. The fact that you become so off-put and so combative when someone from your supposed "side" points out the many many mistakes and errors over the years has caused a lot of pain that has led to these moments is baffling. Globalization is fine, when you take care of the people you have stripped of everything.
  5. You can read both books; they provide 1000's of stats and countless real world takes and examples from places all around the country. I can post every note I have from those books if you'd like, but that would clutter up this thread beyond belief. You asked for something to back up my claim; I post two long, well reviewed, and well documented/researched books and you discredit it because I don't post a MEME or stat? Come on dude.
  6. It's not just racism; it's this entitled superiority. If you vote for Trump you're stupid, ignorant, racist and don't know shit. I hate Trump; he's a terrible human being who should be in jail for a life filled with fraud and theft but this is a democracy and I am not in a position to yell down anyones pain and tell them how to respond. It's funny, we justify BLM looting because IT IS WARRANTED; it is a reaction to centuries of pain and anger. Yet we can't understand how people left for dead in towns throughout the midwest could also be angry and react in ways that we don't understand I said this already, but people are not voting based on what the media is telling the world. The people in the rustbelt and the midwest voted the way they did because they've been left behind for generations and the Democrats told them repeatedly they'd take care of them, and be there for them. The Republicans will never be there for them, and they are absolutely the worser of the two BUT the Republicans (Trump) make those elite democrats realllly really angry, and the people who feel they have been betrayed and left to rot by the democrats that promised to support them over the past forty years, and instead supported corporate monopolies and bank fraud, are happy to vote for whoever pisses that side off. A couple recommended readings on this from very liberal writers: Matt Taibbi - The Divide Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco - Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
  7. What is your evidence to support this? "The Cubans were too stupid to see that Biden wasn't really a socialist" is the entire argument, and again there are a lot of hispanics (colombians as well) in South Florida. It's asinine and disrespectful. Did Venezuelans vote overwhelmingly for Trump? Did Argentinians? These all encompassing generalizations take away the individuality of the minority voter, and treats them as if they were children who needed to be coddled and told how to act, who to vote for, and what is best for them.
  8. Why don't we talk about the Irish vote, the English Vote, the German vote the same way we talk about the hispanic and black vote? Instead, whites are always referred to and treated as free thinking whites who are unpredictable and vote on issues and not "race." As if they are some advanced intellectuals that look beyond background and focus on issues. Yet we constantly refer to minorities as one universal voting black that votes in unison absent issues or beliefs. It's nonsense and it's pushing people away from the party.
  9. So all the black people and hispanic people and minorities who voted Trump are racist morons? Because he grew voters in that demographic. The only place Trump lost voters this election was with White Males. Probably because HIllary was running last time and sexism still exists, but still. Open your ears and listen to the pain being screamed from those who have been left behind instead of judging them for their reactionary votes, and displaced anger.
  10. sigh.... things will never ever change with this attitude. How far right does the "liberal" party in America need to go before people understand it's a problem? Yes, how exciting was it when all those former republican war mongers came out in support of biden. Really moved the needle.
  11. Literally nothing ironic about the media pushing centrists talking points. It is to be expected. Just as they pretend all hispanics in southern florida are too stupid to think for themselves and see through the lies? It's just offensive. Identity politics is complete nonsense. Black people don't all think the same; Cubans aren't the same as Mexicans or Venezuelans. These are human beings. Also, everyone who doesn't support your candidate isn't an uneducated idiot; they're not all racist. People are tired of hearing that stuff.
  12. Not buying this for one second; Susan Collins did not lead in a single poll. The Dems are devastated they lost they seat; they were 100% banking on it. You can argue the Graham and Mitch challenges were going to take time and they were trying to move the needle one election at a time, but that entire theory goes out the window with Collins losing. With people sick of money in politics, the Dems answer is to outspend to win. It's illogical.
  13. Democrats spent over $300 million to try and unseat Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, Joni Ernst, and Susan Collins. Money well spent; smh. Spent all that money and put up dead end candidates.
  14. Ok, but she won. Not sure what to say.
  15. Susan Collins reelected... says it all.
  16. I think he's doing it with any close states he loses just to start the theory of doubt. He even retweeted that nonsense from Michigan where they just happen to update one person at a time and it goes live instantly so there's some lag in the total number updating.
  17. From you guys! hah one perk of working from home is I've got the TV's on a couple channels while I rage through datafiles that look like they were built by a toddler. That said, I still am listening and refreshing this site as well.
  18. Jeeze, this stuff isn't good for confidence within the people.
  19. Did Obama treat people seeking Asylum better? Yes. Did Obama manage the kids and families at the border better? Sure. But he still did horrible things to immigrants. Obama also funded ICE and supported it; and the fact I said is a fact, he deported more people than any POTUS in history. He uprooted people who had lived her for years and sent them packing. As things went on in his tenure, he backed off of much of this and become a much more compassionate man about this stuff, but do not pretend that the Obama admin didn't do TERRIBLE things to immigrants and their families. Basically the argument has been year, Obama destroyed a lot of lives but he feels bad about it.
  20. Obama deported more immigrants than any POTUS in history. Obama built the camps and the cages. Did he stop using them at the end of his term and change his stance? Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that he was every bit as complicit as Trump and even is a big reason Trump has the power to do what he's doing. This is exactly the rhetoric many are tired of; this flat out dishonesty where Trump is this new-age evil that we've never seen before who came out of nowhere instead of Trump is merely a consequence for the actions of previous POTUS expansion of power and identity politics. Trump is a horrible man; Obama is likely a better man. Obama killed more people through drone strikes, assassinated American citizens without trial, and deported millions. As for your other points, incredibly true and important. The assault on climate change and science by the right is perhaps the most dangerous position a political party has taken around the world ever; it could literally destroy the planet. But yet, the Dems laugh at a massive green new deal that would practically pay for itself and help the environment because they are in bed with banks and oil companies and the likes. People like Joe Biden have somehow been in public service for 50 years and he's somehow worth 9 million dollars... hmm
  21. Yeah, that's great... here's the thing, there will be no such thing as property or earth if they don't understand the damages being caused by their mindset. It's time to start thinking about the future and not just the next 3 years of ones life. That also means Dems need to have a plan to create jobs in those hard hit areas - like Ohio, PA, WV and northwest Texas and not just leave those people behind. And by the way, deregulation is one of the most dangerous fiscal moves one can participate in; and no one deregulated Banks and Wall Street like Clinton and Bush and it caused the destruction of many. Tax cuts are nonsense; the tax cuts granted by Trump very rarely help anyone on the bottom of the spectrum; it is a fallacy to insinuate otherwise. Basically their entire argument is built around lies and misinformation.
  22. I wouldn't call anything that has happened a victory for Democrats, and I fear if Democrats view this as a victory they are merely going to get further and further from the left that they should be pushing towards. The "centrist" mindset they have instilled, and their relationships with big money, is destructive and alienates vast swaths of the populace. They are always so worried about getting the "middle" vote that they are practically now a conservative party if they existed in any other western nations.
  23. Based on what? Republicans have increased government size and spending more than Democrats over the past 30 years. This small-fed narrative around the right is just nonsense.
  24. 20,000 votes... jaysus. Well there's one contested state.
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