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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Trump trading as a heavy favorite (-225 to -285) on almost all markets; I think it's a bit reactionary, and think Biden is still the favorite (even put some cash there) but it is alarming.
  2. Exit polls mean nothing. this twitter thread a good reminder not to listen to anything. Just wait for the votes and actual results
  3. Once Texas turns blue, which will happen within the next 10ish years, you will start to hear the narrative on "you can't change the way we elect!!!" change from the Republicans. One thing I will never ever understand about this country is it's sworn allegiance to a document written 250 years ago and it's insistence that it absolutely should not change despite the fact that it was written under the exact premise that things would need to be changed over time... via these things called amendments. Someone needs to tell the "originalists" that the founding fathers they swear by would be so confused by their views.
  4. Yes, because clearly people who vote for the POTUS don't matter unless the people also vote for Senators that support that party... Think about how stupid your sentence is. The goal of elections isn't to fracture the legislative body and not allow a POTUS to get anything accomplished; if that was the case, the POTUS would be elected by the Senate. You keep saying elections have consequences, but it appears Republicans weren't themselves willing to deal with those consequences because they just pretended the people never voted for Obama. McConnell openly bragged about blocking everything of Obama's; that's not politics buddy, that's abusing the power you were given, and IGNORING the people and the vote to push one narrative in absence of the people's voice.
  5. I don't remember that at all but the pain of that day may be distorting my memory. Brexit was a 42/58 split with a 3+ either way. I lost more money on that day than any day in my life because of polls and etc. Learned a lot that day. 1. Don't invest in currencies 2. Don't trust polls
  6. Polling was absolutely broken and riddled with bias; I'm not going to say it was a silent majority because that is nonsense, but their complete whiff on Trump and on Brexit are prime examples that polling was not reaching the general audience in the way they believed.
  7. It is truly fascinating for me to read the defensive takes of staunch "free-market" orthodox capitalism. Being someone who was once one of the bigger fan boys of free-market enterprise - having been indoctrinated through an education system that told me there was no other way - I genuinely understand and feel for those who continue to support this fictional system. The reality of it is though, it doesn't exists, it's not beneficial, and profits will always come before doing the right thing. We have seen this repeated time and time again (whether with Exxon knowing they were causing climate change and ignoring it for decades or others) and welfare is only welfare when it's given to the poor. It's a language and way of educating/speaking that intentionally convinces society that their are "winners and losers" and that the losers are losers by choice. THat's obviously nonsense. The fact is, innovation was not driven by profits; computers, medicine, and other monumental technological break thrus actually were created by government's - via R&D funded by tax payers - and not companies. They were then handed down to companies to be for profit entities in which the government chose who could enrich themselves and who couldn't. Elon Musk is a great example; he literally bought ownership into Tesla - he had no idea or tech innovation. The research was done by the US government and he received millions and millions in gov't contracts and support. In turn, based on that tax payer funded research, he is now one of the richest people in the world and trying to squash union uprisings everywhere.
  8. Man, this is about as misinformed of a take as it gets. As to your genocide point, that has been debunked as complete nonsense. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-07-01/brull---the-boring-truth-about-chomsky/2779086 This is getting off topic again, but insinuating that Chomsky is a linguist just shows a complete lack of understanding of his reach, background, and knowledge. I would guess you have never read a single book written by the guy, but you conclude about his knowledge and cite a talking point that was used to try and demean a man who called out the hypocrisy of US politics and leaders for decade upon decade. He has more intellectual integrity than most anyone I have read/researched and that doesn't mean I agree with everything.
  9. People in the US are denied treatment for their children, or bankrupted by it, but that doesn't scare you. In my twenties, I went 8 years without a doctors visit because I hadn't broken into my industry yet and my health care was complete trash. Our health care system deters people from using it. That is incredibly broken. Additionally, what scares you about Chomsky? Chomsky is more intelligent than the people you listen to on these topics. You can disagree with his politics, but it's nearly impossible to argue his intelligence and intellectual integrity. Chomsky literally discusses how big corporation and insurance companies have released propaganda to stow uncertainty within the population pertaining to universal health care. For fifty years this propoganda has degraded away at workers right and health care; in addition to climate change.
  10. Read Chapter 2 of this book: https://www.amazon.com/Climate-Crisis-Global-Green-Deal/dp/178873985X I believe the free-preview covers thru the end of chapter two. If not, I'm happy to share the entire text with you. It goes over why you have been brainwashed to feel this way through a massive misinformation campaign. I don't blame you as you are merely the victim of a billion dollar campaign to deceive you. They touch on health care and how the disinformation campaign there relates to the environmental issues that we are dealing with as well. Orthodox capitalism is deadly.
  11. I think this is the big issue to me. People think we are offering some superior product; I can't tell you how many times I've heard "that's why the rich from around the world come here for care." The argument that if we don't pay our doctors so much they will leave for other countries. It's all complete nonsense. Colombian hospitals are clean, safe, and have the same tech and care that we have here. Their doctors and system are driven by care for patients, and not profits though, which is really the major difference. Their government doesn't allow drug companies to exploit those in desperate need.
  12. I've spent quite sometime in Colombia over the last five years; Colombia has big time poverty issues still, despite a growing economy. Colombia's health care is cheaper and BETTER than the USA's. It is cheaper for me to fly to Colombia, have a procedure done (dental or medical) and fly back than it is to have the same service here... and the quality of care is no different. Arguably, Colombia's QOC is better because there is no desire or reason to force you out early. Having witnessed that health care system in person, it truly opened my eyes even moreso to how broken our profit-driven, pro-pharma, approach is. We (TAX PAYERS) spend millions and millions of dollars on assisting big pharma develop drugs, and then they sell them back to us at inordinate cost levels while the rest of the world pays 1/10 the price and they didn't spend millions of their tax dollars developing the treatment. It is absolutely baffling.
  13. Fair enough Kyle, but agreeing to disagree implies some gray area of fact to me; there's no gray areas here. Reality has happened, and pushing incorrect intelligence information that cost us the lives of thousands of innocent Americans, and millions of innocent people in the Middle East, isn't an opinion as much as it's a misinformation campaign to support a cause that is dangerous and harmful. That said, I am getting off lunch in about 5 minutes so the thread won't be cluttered for long and I'll respectfully bow out to allow you guys to continue on with your cordial conversation. BTW, democrats are every bit as complicit in this wealth gap divide over the past fifty years if that makes people feel less attacked ha.
  14. Didn't think there was a single person out there who would still defend the Iraq war, but we found one. There were no WMD's, please stop pushing a lie that has been debunked over and over and over. And the war on terror was another meaningless war to enrich defense contractors and increase military funding. Unless you think somehow we have accomplished something with that war that has destabilized the region further, created mass fractions, and caused even more civil war and unrest while killing millions of innocent people.
  15. They signed up under the premise of protecting the countries freedoms pal, not under the guise of enriching the 1% via resources and oil. There were no WMD's in Iraq. They went to war on a lie that revolved solely around Oil. No one signed up to protect fossil fuels. That is not stated by a single military recruiter.
  16. Good for you dude; I had a best friend who died in Afghanistan. He signed up for the National Guard under the premise they would help him pay for school. He was told he would not be shipped off to war by his recruiter and that it was a way to pay for an education and gain some discipline and experience on the weekends. He was shipped out 12 months later, and died 3 weeks after. Spare me your nonsense. The military lies and exploits societies most vulnerable. I love that you think you can speak for every soldier.
  17. Wait, you disagree with a fact? You're not really allowed to do that, bud. They didn't take anything? Jeeze man, take it from someone who works within the industry - they, stole, money. They caused mass starvation across the globe by exploiting commodity prices to make more money - the PRICES OF CORN! There were protections built in to prevent this from happening when futures started being traded in that world, and Goldman lobbied the government to remove those sanctions which directly correlated to over 100 million people starving across the globe because they couldn't afford grains; additionally, it has caused the famers to see a ZERO percent gain in their revenues over 50 fricking years while prices and costs have soared. This is by design to give the edge to corporate farming. They gave loans they knew would be defaulted on and then sold them as prime to the government; knowing the crash would come and the tax payers would be on the hook for the money. They stole billions through insider trading and hedge fund exploits - that took away oversight and accountability through technicalities pushed by lobbyist and government employees to enrich themselves and their friends. I have no problem with people having their own opinions but it's absolutely maddening when people express something as an opinion that is factually wrong. The top 1% has stolen much MORE than 5 trillion over the last 50 years.
  18. So wait, they deserve it? Yes, much of them are addicted to Opiods - that were pushed by the Sacklers not as medication, but a drug of addiction that would enrich their family and destroy the lives of millions. The sacklers got rich and now face no true accountability for being the largest drug dealers on the planet; meanwhile, poor people go to jail for selling a gram of weed. Or, many of them are soldiers suffering from PTSD that they acquired by being forced into meaningless wars that were fought in the name of oil and money for defense companies. But yes, tell us how you empathize with people who you go on to state deserve their fate. We have degraded the safety net in this country over the past fifty years to reinvest that money into a very finite percentage of the population so they could live lavishly and without accountability.
  19. The good news is orthodox economics is on it's way out, and progressive economics is taking it's place; these orthodox economists are being shouted down or questioned in every conference/meeting I attend and follow. After 50 years of them saying "just wait, things will turn" only to witness the money "trickle up to the top" via de-regulatory policies pushed by politicians who were paid for by Banks and Investment firms, people are finally waking up. I recommend reading economists such as Robert Pollin because they have been right the whole time, and are the leaders of the future changes needed to stop this ever growing divide.
  20. Housing, food, and health care should be universal rights for the richest country on earth. But but but.... the poor people should just try harder. Says the archaic dinosaurs that grew up in a generation in which the inequality was no where near where it is today.
  21. Anyone who ignores that this is a welfare state for the rich and not the poor has their head buried in the sand. Period, end of story. It is free-market ruthless capitalism for everyone but the filthy rich people who say it's the only way to succeed. We can't help homeless people and the struggling, but we can allow the rich to steal billions upon billions and then bail them out when they commit fraud. I'm amazed at how many people don't see how ass backwards the system works.
  22. What in gods name.... Jackie Robinson playing in MLB was a protest.
  23. Yes, but the people today who hate protests like to pretend like they were fans of Malcolm, MLK, Ali, Jackie back in the day.... when in reality, they were the same people back in the day that shouted down MLK, Malcolm and Jackie's mission. Nothing cracks me up more than when people say.... "Black people just need a leader like MLK" when being critical of Kaep. Pretending as if MLK wasn't murdered by white people for his beliefs and protesting. Revisionist history is always entertaining to view from the sideline. I support anyone speaking out against oppression and I support all matters in which they do it; even those that make me uncomfortable. That's what support is.
  24. Again, why do you participate in forum discussions about baseball with a bunch of people who you think should always defer to authority on topics involving baseball?
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