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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Not sure why the Sox got rid of Ricky Renteria; he's managed more games than any poster here!
  2. Yeah, let me know how that works for you. You think being a MLB manager is like being a nuclear physicist. It's quite funny.
  3. Bruce Maxwells agent was Tony La Russa's friend. I think it was nice what Tony did - do not get me wrong - but this "went out of his way to help Maxwell" stuff is getting to be too much. He helped Stewart - who he has always loved - which in turn was very helpful to Maxwell.
  4. I don't need to inform you of anything; you already know everything. And you dodged my question; what do you think is a more difficult job, being a D1 baseball coach or a MLB manager?
  5. Man, we have different definitions of proven. Maybe you should go tell Tim that it's been proven wrong, because he has been extremely petty since the hiring of La Russa. Go look at the tweets Tim has liked since the hiring was announced; multiple White Sox tweets but for the announcement of Tony's hiring and the retweeting of his interview.
  6. Oh, and I'm not surprised this point went right over your head.
  7. Who said it's easy? it's certainly an easier job than any career that requires advanced education. What do you think the difference is between being a D1 baseball coach and a MLB coach; just curious to your thoughts. I would argue being a D1 coach may even be harder, and takes more work, but managing personalities is a lot easier than pro-ball. The mistake you make constantly is you make vast assumptions about strangers you are talking to; what they've done with their lives, who they've helped, how high of a level they played baseball at and on and on. you do all of this to tell people they shouldn't question authority. It's truly nonsense.
  8. Well shit, I must have been one of the luckiest people alive between 21-24 (before the government made moving money impossible) lol. I still miss playing; made more money, although with a bit more stress and less consistency, and I worked whenever I wanted - although I tell people my days were significantly longer than my work day today, because if I got deep in big MTT's, I was playing from noon to 2 or 3 am.
  9. To be fair, Katzenberg hasn't been shit in 15-20 years and people just keep giving him money and watching it burn away. Never forget WndrCo before Quibi lol. This guy has convinced people to give him a billion dollars while he shits out bad idea after bad idea.
  10. Your deferral to authority is fun. There is not some specialized schooling or education that goes along with being a big league manager. I don't need to defer to an expert when the qualifications involved don't exactly entail Rocket Science. We can have opinions based on our observations, just as Tony has opinions based on his observations. Our observations can be based on anecdotal evidence - such as the players not saying a damn word a week in - just as Tony's managerial style is based on anecdotal evidence. Lastly, your assumption that such and such knows more about the game than anyone blah blah blah because he's been around it for such and such years is also nonsense. I always use the poker comparison. I played poker for my job when I first finished college; I played online poker and tracked every hand and all my data. I started at 21 years old and by the time I was 23, I had played and analyzed more hands of poker than Doyle Brunson - who had played the game for 50 years professionally. Why? Because I played online where the pace was 100 times faster, I played multiple things at a time, and I tracked it all. I had accomplished the experience Brunson had gained over 40 years in less than 2.
  11. i love how they both defend fracking and act like it's great; one of the most depressing thing about the debates was these two morons arguing about who wants to destroy the environment more in the name of a few short term jobs.
  12. You can never have too much pitching. Crochet almost was down and out after a short stint. A '23 arrival goal for a guy who has never pitched a professional game above a couple innings in RK ball his drafted year is optimistic to say the least.
  13. Stroman will be significantly cheaper, and by all accounts has been about as good over the past 4 years.
  14. Man, this was kind of surprising to me. I guess the Giants were going to spend anyway; gotta figure he takes that.
  15. Steroids turned AAAA players into everyday mlb starters. Turned average players into stars, stars into superstars, and superstars into aliens
  16. Come on... Yes, that's why all the astros broke homerun records year after year, and its why one of the asteos hit more home runs than times they swung and missed... oh wait that was Barry. Alex Wood is saying that because he personally feels cheated. There is no evidence that this is anywhere near as beneficial as steroids and insinuating otherwise is just putting your head in the sand and ignoring results. Alex Bregman, Correa, altuve, springer and etc are very good. They werent significantly better than their career numbers in those years. Also, your assumption is just flat out wrong. There were multiple astros who refused the help because they didn't want the distraction. Just as some of your teammates don't want you telling them signs when you're on second base because it's distracting and: Even if a pitch is called to a quadrant it does not mean the pitcher will throw it there. Lastly, hitting for some is entirely reactionary and they have no desire to know what might be coming. Astros cheated, but trevor bauer scuffing the ball to get more spin is more beneficial than a batter being relayed signs. The results simply don't lie.
  17. Sigh. This is just absurd. One scandal destroyed the record books of baseball. The other one gave a team the runner on 2nd advantage all game.
  18. This take bothers me for some reason every time I read it. 1. Players have been stealing signs since the game was invented. Stealing signs is very easy to combat - you change them. 2. The astros used tech to steal signs, it was wrong and bad. They took the cheating tooooo fa4. 3. Citing 1 player in a clubhouse doing steroids or a couple and comparing it to 80% of a roster is just being convenient. The astros took sign stealing - something you try to do as a 12 year old in travel ball - and took it to a real shitty level. The a's took steroids to a level they had never been before. The difference is, i can't change my signs to prevent steroid use. Im totally out of control. Steroids were significantly worse. Its not even comparable.
  19. Uh.. this is a little awkward... not sure how to tell you but just want to let you know that you have also done none of those things and are also giving your opinion.
  20. He was 18 years old. He had never played the position. He was a 2nd round pick as a SS. Good for Keith law. He also told me sale had a 40 grade slider. Now find me his draft day reports from BA (which I already read) and his showcase numbers which, you guessed it, were elite from arm strength to lateral movement. Speed means literally nothing at third. Arenado was a star within 1 year of milb baseball. He was a top 100 prospect despite being a 2nd round hs pick after 150 milb games. He was the best defensive 3rd baseman in a ball league at 20. Weird. Have a good night bud!
  21. who the hell projected Nolan arenado to be a bad defender? Arenado was a high school SS prospect who people weren't sure whether he'd stay at short, move to third or catcher as an 18 year old kid. Like most growing high school drafteez his position wasn't certain. He was ALWAYS an elite defensive athlete and from about day 2 at third base in the minors he was a star with the glove despite never playing there. Arenados problem was he had never played the position until pro ball. Eloy has played outgield his entire life. I just dont think you realize how ignorant you sound calling into question the work ethic of a + to ++ MLB hitter who is at the absolute peak of his career.
  22. Exactly! You'd think of all people who would understand, it would be him. Projection can be a pain for all of us!
  23. What the fuck does his production as a left fielder have to do with how hard he works? You haven't made a reasonable point or statement since you started posting here but i know youre trying your hardest. You seem to be confusing effort and skill. Must be hard.
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