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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. White sox were a top 10 defense this year after being much worse the years prior.
  2. The three year stretch the A's had in the 80's to 1990 - in which 75% of the roster was chewing on flinstone vitamins for fun - was one of the most dominant rosters the game has ever seen. They won something like 35 more games than any other AL team in the 3 year stretch. The won 25+ more games than any team in baseball. They were the only team to win their division all three of those years. At that point, steroids were so openly used players kept them IN THEIR LOCKER and did them in the clubhouse. People cite andro, but that was honestly McGwire just claiming the least damning of the shit he kept with him. While other teams went on to cheat, and Barry did cheat (Barry is also the greatest of all-time without ever cheating, and just proved how absurd steroids are), the A's started it all. They also exploited it more than anyone. The closest other team I can compare them too is the Red Sox team who had like 6 guys chewing on Barney and Fred. La Russa knew, and had no problem with it. Him and Selig benefited more than almost anyone else monetarily and reputation-wise while the players were ostracized and treated like criminals. It's laughable.
  3. I mean, he looks smooth while being bad in the field but yes; I mean his swing and approach at the plate haha
  4. Man, I didn't realize Brantley was only 33. Feels like he's been in the league for 20 years. I think he'll age really well too because his game is so damn smooth, and he has a bunch of real good tools but doesn't rely on one great one.
  5. You been pushing for Nimmo for what feels like 6 years; with Cohen in charge, nobody talented is going anywhere for that team. I agree that Nimmo is underrated and really solid. I'm not done with Cease yet; want to give him another off-season tweaking at the least. I think you see the Mets splurge big time in FA and it'll be more offensive than anything ever because he's basically spending our money to buy players that our team doesn't spend our money on.
  6. In what world can someone write this on the internet and feel confident doing so? 1. You don't know Tony La Russa, and as a baseball manager it's safe to say his primary profession wasn't "helping people" - a teacher, for example, has helped far more people than TLR lol 2. You don't know anyone here personally, nor do you know what they do. Good stuff all around. Oh, and accomplishments are to the eye of the beholder. Now, do I wish I won 3 World Series as a manager? You bet your ass I do... Does my mom? No, she couldn't give a shit about being a World Series manager. Just because you clapped when it happened doesn't mean it's a universally viewed grand accomplishment.
  7. Yeah, let me clarify. I am worried it's a sign that the Sox will push all-in with La Russa and that could mean bye by to some younger players. A Kopech, Vaughn, Cease type; maybe even Nicky Big Sticks. I love the idea of having some older stop-gap starters pitchers with high ceilings coming in every year or two.
  8. I love Morton, but shit if that doesn't feel like an all-in move for a year or two which I hate..... if it comes at the expense of young players. I will say that Leury feels like a good sign that they're not going to be super cheap. Could have easily replaced him for less
  9. It's only been a day, why would players say anything!?!?!!?!
  10. I mean, he sat Scott Rolen in an NLCS game because he had a bad couple games.
  11. my bad, im just already dreading everyone talking about Tony's "observational analytics." Its exhausting. The assault on analytics has begun; thanks CASH!
  12. again you are now changing what was said and its exhausting. Computational analysis is done using a computer. Jaysus man, I'm in a master program studying this very thing formally. I've worked in the field. You comparing your brain deciding whether you can cross the street to computational analysis is complete and utter nonsense. Computational thinking is the combination of ones thought process and knowledge with computational analysis and the development of that process ON A COMPUTER in analysis programs and software. The goal is to combine a thought process with computational analytics. No point in carrying this conversation on further.
  13. In the business world I would compare a manager to a project manager. They're important, they keep everything organized, they put everyone in the proper place, but they're not the most important, they're not the highest paid, and they're easily replaceable unless you have an amazing one.
  14. Managers are not players bosses. Players make 10 times the money a manager does. People who compare this to their jobs are comparing apples to oranges. If I made 20 times as much as my manager, I would know I'm the one who is in control; I'd know that because the people in actual charge determined I was 20 times more valuable to the companies success than this guy bossing me around. Players have taken can control and its on managers and coaches to adjust. This took time but its come full circle with the modern player. The reason a GM still has some authority over players is because they can still fire them in theory. Managers have no leverage. They're less valuable, paid less, and can't fire anybody. That said, this isn't basketball or football and no one is demanding a trade.
  15. Processing the color of grass or the location of the closest car when crossing the street amazingly doesn't fall under the definition of computational analysis. Sorry to break that to you. The definition of computational is.... you guessed it, relating to and using computers. This place is cracking me up today.
  16. Man things sure do go over your head. I was saying you can't just say words and claim they mean something else. My wife being harassed by government officials, degraded and demeaned in the way she was is disgusting. You comparing a fan discussing a baseball manager on a public message board and calling him a moron, to a federal agent, whose salary I absolutely do pay, intimidating, screaming at, and verbally abusing my wife while calling her a liar while having her locked in a room is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard. The fact that you think those two things are similar certainly says a lot more about you than it does about me.
  17. hey man, words matter. Analysis is not analytics. Those aren't the same thing. Im not nitpicking by using actual definition. I cant call you a moron and then say what I meant was something nice. Tony said yesterday that analytics were for before the game. Tony is a moron but I mean really smart when I say moron
  18. He should have spoken to Abreu and Anderson before he did a press conference. Again this exemplifies the problem with La Russa in the modern game. The players have the power now, not the other way around. In all sports. They are why people attend games, they make the money, theyre the ones selling tickets. No one is paying to see Tony La Russa but for chisox1917 and the Hawk. Look at the great coaches in basketball and baseball - it is never ever about them. Vogel, Pop, Spoe, Tito, Bochy. The modern manager defers all credit, takes on all blame, and never holds players accountable publicly in an embarrassing way. This isn't 1980/1990 anymore. The job has changed and by not contacting a single player yet, tony is proving he has not.
  19. So they didn't even give a formal interview to their second choice? Wuhhhtt?
  20. What am I giving a rest? I take this stuff much less seriously than it appears many of you do. This is just baseball; a fun way to get away from day to day life. I can't stand la russa going on 33 years. I was born saying TLR sucks. But I also know it means very little and the team will be fine and I'm excited for next year. Not even Bevington could ruin these guys. As for being open minded, you need to take your own advice pal. I affiliate with no one but for evidence, science and facts. I dont play politics, I discuss people, feelings and emotions. I was once a patriot as a child and realized I had been brainwashed over time; mainly when I witnessed first hand how heinously the system treated my wonderful wife - who was born in Colombia and moved here 6 years ago. Watch your wife cry while being degraded by government officials, only to be threatened with arrest and jail when trying to defend her and then tell me about the greatness of the USA. I was being treated like a criminal for loving someone born somewhere else; a brilliant engineer with an advanced degree and compassionate soul. I wish more Americans were like my wife. I've witnessed the evil of "politics" from both parties. I align myself with people and causes, not parties and power. I respect your archaic views even though I know some breed the very ignornace and hatred that has caused pain for my wife and I. I try to listen; but in some cases its you who needs to listen. People are screaming loudly and it's not for attention; its out of pain and misery. Thanks for reading my tedtalk.
  21. Player will usually say something like: Excited for the opportunity. Excited to meet coach! Lets go!!! Silence is defeaning in a situation like this.
  22. Doing some oberservational analytics right now and my brain just computed that Tony La Russa is in fact old, and the players are indeed unhappy.
  23. Who said this guys a geezer! Only took him 12 hours to learn how to make 1 post to twitter about his hiring! Rock on TONY!
  24. The whole things reminds me of my uncle. My uncle hates that Tim Anderson kneels and fights for a cause, but he loves that he helps in the community.. he hates that he spoke out against cops, but loves that he helps kids and lives on the SOuth Side. I try to tell my uncle over and over that he clearly agrees with Tim's mission but he attacks him for it anyway because he's been brainwashed to think Kneeling is awful and that cop shaming is bad because the media he consumes told him so. There's some Chicago Police Blog that wrote a scathing article about Anderson - the comments section was riddled with racist and vile garbage and threats that were emboldened by authors and cops alike and not deleted. My uncle sent it to me as a "joke." There was nothing funny about it. The good thing about athletes becoming more vocal is that their fans are having a harder and harder time ignoring the issues they are bringing forward. They have two options, listen and try to understand or close their eyes and ignore it all. Because they love baseball, or football, or basketball so much it's incredibly difficult for them to leave it behind. People like Tim are making progress; slowly but surely. Keep that grind going Timmy!
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