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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. People like Chisox are harmless though; for the reason that no one actually thinks he has good thoughts or ideas, so he may even cause some who think like he does to call their own thoughts into question. lol
  2. What?!? Man we're really stretching terminology to mean something it does not. No biggie. I'm gonna add this to my resume. Doesnt even need a computer, my brain does computational analysis on its own.
  3. This is all amazing. Thank you for defining observation for all of us. Unless Tony Larussa eyes are a literal fffing computer, he doesn't practice observational analytics. Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of statistics/data. So unless Tony is robocop and I didnt know it, it's a made up word and complete nonsense basically claiming youre smarter than information and process images like a computer. Its something someone who has no idea what analyticts really is would say. But you already told us how analytically tony was so obviously hes fooled you.
  4. What? No where did I call you an idiot. Tony is an idiot using two words together that don't belong. Decision analytics is a thing. Analytics is a thing. Observation is a thing. Observational analytics is nonsense.
  5. Jeeeezus, we've already got guys making posts regurgitating the made up word that is not a real thing that Larussa used "observational analytics." Thats not a thing. Its an idiots way of saying my eyes are a database.
  6. Just when he leaves, you pullllll me back in. A SECOND TIER QB? Inaccurate down field? Wuhhhhhhttttt? Watson leads the NFL in Y/A this year and a 70% completion rate. So he throws the ball further down field than any QB in the NFL this year and has the 7th highest completion % in the NFL. A second Tier QB, sheeeeesh. Watson is one of the best of the best. He does all that behind an awful o-line. Watson is one of the 5-7 best QBs in the NFL.
  7. Bruce Bochy = Great Manager Never about Bruce. Good tactician, manages BP solidly. Won in places with money and without. Never a peep out of his clubhouses in 30 years. The consummate professional. Teams overacehived much more than they underachieved. Tito = Great manager Never about Tito. Great with his guys; maybe the best manager of huge personalities the game has ever had. Overachieved much more than underachieved. Never a negative word said about the guy from anyone. Good manager of his bullpen and good effort from his guys always. Have a good night; been a fun day on Soxtalk! A semi-return to normalcy as everything shuts down around us.
  8. Logging off, but wanted to add one last thought; I think so many have simply forgotten about the Scott Rolen ordeal in 2006. Could you imagine Rick Renteria sitting Tim Anderson in a WS game to make a point? Soxtalk would explode; the in-game thread would reach such lengths that the LOTR trilogy would be envious of.
  9. No, I'm looking at his entire career. Cheated in Oakland; those A's teams had more cheaters than any roster in the sports history. No one will ever call out Rickey, but don't be stupid... loved Rickey, but Rickey loved vitamins. He was an ass in Oakland; he showed huge favoritism towards McGwire, Rickey absolutely hated him and he wasn't alone in that hate. Everything Canseco said about LaRussa I'd bet my life is true. Terry Bevington could have won with those Oakland teams. When he went to the Cardinals he was trash; disrespect Ozzie. Ridiculed Rolen causing a big rift in the locker room. Tony comes from an era where players were held "accountable" in a much more college way. He carried that with him with the Cardinals. I always ask people to tell me what Tony was great at. I never get an answer. I hear he was innovated - batting the pitcher 8th - but all his innovations were analyzed and proven to be complete nonsense and worthless. So what was Tony LaRussa great out besides being surrounded by great players for a few years and winning with them?
  10. I get it, and I'm just saying I never thought Tony was anything special or any good in the first place so my stance on him now is that he was a shit then, and he's shit now. I get that I am in the minority, and that is 100% OK. I know many thought Tony was a great manager; I always thought people thought that because Tony told that to anyone willing to listen.
  11. School has been much easier for me as an adult; that doesn't mean I'm sharper, I am just much more disciplined and it's my money lol. My test scores have gone done (as a kid tests were a breeze and HW a drag) but my research and analysis and "homework" has improved mightily. There are pluses to maturity and aging, but there reaches a point where the negatives clearly outweigh that "experience" learned knowledge. I like to say, most people tell you they have 20 or 30 years experience doing something but the reality is they have 1 year experience 30 times. They didn't learn or change. If you're not willing to evolve and adapt, you really never gained any experience. I'm not saying that's Tony.
  12. Well said; I was speaking with my father about this today - he is 64. He is the smartest man I've ever met - I'm sure most kids say this - and I have great respect for my father. When I have a question or a concern, he is the first call I make. When I'm unsure if I'm right or wrong, same thing. His response, "you're not the same person at 75, 70 or even my age as you were in your 50's and 40's. We're stupid enough as a country to keep electing people that are of an age that as they decline we don't even allow the press to speak of it. It's science; I hate it, I feel it everyday. It doesn't get better, but as a business owner you have a choice... of course this is Jerry we're talking about though."
  13. Respect is earned, not given. Arguing otherwise is complete nonsense. Universal respect for people older than you was merely a power mechanism. Don't give people things they are not worthy of, and they did not earn.
  14. Gotta say, Sox sure know how to make a guy feel alive! Whether it's anger or happiness, they cover all the bases. Didn't get much done with work today, but enjoyed every minute of the day because the White Sox were doing White Sox things.
  15. Oh man, I didn't see this earlier: So tony is a part of the "stop trying even though the game isn't over" crowd. As for Tony's last sentence, yes Tony that is what you're trying to do. Score more runs. The pitcher could try to throw strikes and not fall behind 3-0. Good chat, see ya out there. Tim, who said the only thing Tatis did wrong was apologize I'm sure will really love playing for the dinosaur. When Carl Everett comes back for the '05 anniversary, we'll be able to show him a dinosaur in person and shut his conspiracy nonsense down!
  16. I hear ya, it was frustrating for sure. Maybe he loses focus sometimes, I would have no idea. I get how he rubs some more serious people the wrong way, but him playing the game the way he does is great for drawing kids and etc into the game and the team. He has fun in a different way than Tim for example. I enjoy them both.
  17. Eloy gets up at 4am to work out and grind for 14 hours during the off-season. I don't think he has a lack of urgency or work ethic. He was embarrassed falling into the net; he wasn't having a blast, at least I didn't see it that way. I don't think Eloy needs to change a thing about how he plays the game, I just think he needs to improve defensively which is probably a pipe dream because he's just not gifted in that way.
  18. Seems like a pretty terrible hire if you have to put a gag order on your players. Not a great start to the relationship if this is the case.
  19. We have the oldest POTUS, VP, and SOH in the history of this country. Good news is things are going great, so clearly this is a good strategy. Hopefully the White Sox can be as successful in 2021 as 2020 has been for all of us with these great experienced elderly leaders in charge.
  20. What's wrong with Eloy's personality? By all accounts he works hard AF, and he plays hard too. He has fun while he does it, and you want that taken out?
  21. I gotta say, it seems real bad that not a single player has tweeted a thing.
  22. Man, Bruce was in a rough place at that time. Good on Tony. That said, Tony said something this year - 10 months ago. As I was corrected earlier.
  23. I'm actually not sure where this Hahn theory comes from; Hahn is a lawyer, his strength was contracts and the likes. I think Hahn is pro-data and metrics and saw it as imperative to win. I don't think Hahn has any sort of background in analytics or data though. Agree with your sentiment in general, just don't agree with "Hahn the data and analytics" guy. He's a sharp guy no doubt, and part of great management is giving jobs and roles to really smart people that know shit you do not, but Hahn isn't leading any data departments, or building and utilizing any data warehouses anytime soon.
  24. These guys are douchebags so I don't care about their stupid policies; these are the same morons who put LaRussa and Selig in the HOF but told Barry he's not allowed. So the guys who knew about, profited from, and made their name off those players are reaping the rewards while the players are ostracized from the game. It's such a joke. That said, I knew they were going to be pissed about this.
  25. He actually said the exact opposite in his presser.
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