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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Again for everyone yelling that ageism is out of control here. Why can't 22 year olds get interviews? Isn't that ageism? I don't understand. What is the age cut off? Hilarious that people like Larussa continue to get chances as a retread hire while a bunch of younger unknowns never get a shot but people have the nerve to argue that citing TOny's age is disrespectful and discriminatory.
  2. Question, why does ageism only apply to old people? Why say can the Sox not hire a 16 year old manager? You would consider that absurd, right? Why? Because their brains aren't fully developed... As you age, cognitive decline happens. It's simply a fact. I find the ageism thing hilarious; old people run the world - politics and other positions of power. Meanwhile, young people never get opportunities of power. Are you going to tell me that's not ageism either?
  3. Frank Thomas brought up steroids as a problem during the 1993 CBA.
  4. It's not weird at all. I don't have a lot of 75 year olds looking to join my analytics department; I think I'll be OK.
  5. My rule of thumb for managers, leaders, Presidents and Politicians is if I would not trust you to drive me to work for the duration of your contract or time, you likely shouldn't be employed or doing the job. I wouldn't trust someone like Larussa to drive me to work everyday for the duration of his contract, why the fff should I trust him to run a team.
  6. Oh, I'm not dumb enough to sit through five years of misery only to stop watching now. I just won't support them with my own cash.
  7. I'm done supporting Jerry's BS. I'll watch on TV, and go to whatever free games I have via friends and family. Only place a fan can show displeasure is by hitting the teams pocket books.
  8. Call your ticket rep and let them know you will be cancelling and not renewing your season tickets. I did.
  9. 1/as @ZackMeisel 1st reported the #Indians placed Brad Hand on outright waivers to see if a team claims him and they do not have to pay even his $1M buyout on his $10M 2021 option. I think this illustrates the offseason ahead. This morning an agent (not Hand's) predicted Hand There's such a huge opportunity this off-season to take advantage of the times. Please please White Sox... don't cry poor.
  10. People who worked with Bochy closely when he was with the Giants.
  11. The only thing I heard was regarding Bochy; I know nothing about any other candidates or people and I have no connections with the White Sox. Just relaying that info.
  12. The Lance Briggs thing makes zero sense. Which means, with the White Sox, it probably makes all the sense in the world.
  13. Why was Jack Nicklaus not told to shut up and swing a golf club yesterday? Because he's a white athlete who expressed an opinion that the bigots agreed with. Why are black athletes told to shut up and dribble? Because they're black. There are some things in life that are so obvious they can't really be refuted.
  14. And North Koreans are taught that their dear leader shoots an 18 in a round of golf. The pledge of allegiance is propogandist BS. There's no difference between a human born in America and born in Colombia; the person born in America isn't superior because of some piece of fabric. They don't have a "right" to the flag, or a right to tell people how to express their pain and suffering. To, at this point, be against kneeling is flat out racist. You can deny it all you want, but it's simply not true. The troops and military DO NOT own the flag; they have explained repeatedly that they are not disrespecting the military. Kaep even asked a decorated military official the best and least offensive way to protest. I said it before but willful ignorance does not excuse bigotry. Period, end of story. Freedom is for all. People hated how Malcolm X protested; they hated how MLK protested. They ask for peaceful protests and when they are given that, they ask for protests that white people approve of. It's complete nonsense. It's an excuse to degrade a movement.
  15. Why is Stroman not a mature adult? I'm dying to know.
  16. Yeah, because obviously they thrived thanks to Tony's "tough love." They didn't thrive due to their talents and skills or anything like that.
  17. Yeah, I saw a couple of the likes beyond the first one when I continued scrolling; the post appears fake but who knows.
  18. Want to clarify, the retire b**** comment seems fake. This is also in Stromans likes:
  19. All of the Stroman stuff has been photoshopped I believe.
  20. This sums up my thoughts; I AGREE! Hopefully that will appease all those who are looking for mass agreement 24/7.
  21. Great insight and thoughts from you, as always. Not sure what this place would do without it.
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