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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. I think its Getz or Jerschele. Im with you on those two heading in the direction the sox want.
  2. There is literally no argument on the "for side" for Chicago to file Bankruptcy. This isn't Detroit in 2013; in which the City had been underwater for decades and had lost the majority of it's revenue streams. This is a financial hub for the nation; Chicago filing bankruptcy wouldn't have as terrible of an effect as the entire state, but given that 611 of the 782 Billion of the state GDP derives from Chicago, it would be nearly the same exact thing. And again, this concept that a state that has given much more to the federal government than it has taken shouldn't be bailed out while it's been bailing out poorly run states for decades is comical to me. Illinois is poorly run - don't get me wrong - but it's also a poorly run state that until now has been able to not be a blood sucker on the teet of the federal dime. A poorly run state with enough revenue and financial power that it could support itself while it destroyed itself ha
  3. Just to help Harry with this question: "do you know what it would do to the Market if the State of Illinois was forced to declare bankruptcy" If Illinois was a nation, it would have the 18th highest GDP in the world; ahead of countries like Saudi Arabia. Now when you do your analysis on the catastrophic damage a state that size filing for bankruptcy would do to the economy - if it were allowed - you'll have a starting point on the debt we're talking about. 782 billion is the states GDP
  4. I missed this the first time through. Harry, I'm not sure I've ever seen someone talk so much about fiscal policy and economics while understanding so little. Fictitiously speaking, do you know what it would do to the Market if the State of Illinois was forced to declare bankruptcy; the stock market and the dollar? Additionally, did you know that states literally cannot file bankruptcy? I can tell how misinformed people are on economics and government fiscal policy when they make comments like "the state will have to file bankruptcy" which they literally can.... not. do. It's because you heard this on some ignorant talk show and think you are intelligent regurgitating it. Did you know that states like Illinois receive LESS federal funding than they give? For every dollar they put in, they get .89 cents back? Did you know they're one of only 14 states that do that? So Illinois shouldn't receive federal help do to a sales tax shortfall caused by a pandemic, but southern states should get $1.50-$2.00 in federal funds for every dollar they put into the federal pool every year for decades. HMMMM, that doesn't make much sense.
  5. If no one delivered your packages, and no one stocked the shelves and organized the amazon warehouses, amazon literally COULD NOT operate. If Jeff Bezos died tomorrow, Amazon would continue on as a growing and expanding powerhouse. Don't believe me? How's Steve Jobs doing. Sorry for the duplicate posts; rant over. It's just been so exhausting reading so many misinformed takes and opinions that are merely the regurgitation of Wall Street propagated nonsense.
  6. AND SADLY, Illinois is far from the worst state or system. 20 states don't even allow part-time workers to file for unemployment period. In Florida that MAXIMUM weekly benefit is $275/wk. Louisiana 247, Tennessee $275, Arizona $240, Alabama $275. Illinois is the middle of the pack in payouts and rules and the entire system is a disaster here. Imagine how bad it is in Florida. It's exhausting listening to a bunch of middle class people do mental gymnastics to explain why the 50 richest people in the country just eclipsed the wealth of 50% of the US all the while being angered over $600/wk for 8 weeks for people who have always been exploited. And Chappas, I was making $2300/wk and my company was forced closed. Wonder if you were out screaming about people like me who have been forced to accept lesser paying jobs - I just took a 27% haircut - now, outside of my control and no fault of my own, after taking a 56% haircut on unemployment for a couple months. Trickle down economics has expanded the wealth gap faster than any economic model in the history of this country; sans possibly the Gilded age following the Industrial Revolution. The fact that people are still out here preaching this corporate propogandist nonsense is maddening for me. You should be fighting for your neighbor, the little guy, the people like you... not pandering to a bunch of people who are literally stealing from you in broad daylight each and every day. Someone tell me what "skill" it took to work in a manufacturing plant. All full time work is skilled labor; regardless of profession. This notion of skilled and unskilled workers was a fallacy created to demean and discredit the work of those who literally run the country; started by a Corporate elite to drive down the price of labor within the market. Don't believe me? Go ask why the meat factory workers couldn't close because otherwise we'd all starve. Seems pretty IMPORTANT to me. Seems to be worth more than $10/hr to me.
  7. Here are the requirements for a young person qualifying: https://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/attach/UIPL/UIPL_16-20_Change_1.pdf Basically, if your friends restaurant was open for business, and she refused to return to work she was not eligible. They did expand benefits to allow students who had a job lined up for the summer or spring that was pulled to receive some benefits; as well as students who had to quit their job to take care of an ill family member. Lastly, let me add that they take your previous 12 months. If you just started working, or hadn't met the threshold, you qualify for no benefits no matter what. So for a student or high school kid with very limited work experience or history, it's very possible she doesn't even have a previous 12 months or 2 quarters worth of hours.
  8. You keep spreading these lies and misinformation. People that are making $100 a week in regular work don't even qualify for enhanced federal assistance right now, and when there was $600 they wouldn't have met MOST state minimum thresholds to get any benefits; therefore they weren't eligible for the additional $600 - WHICH AGIAN, HAS NOT EXISTED FOR WEEKS. Additionally, if you are being claimed as a dependent and your parents received the stimulus check for households, you were not eligible for the $600 in additional benefits*** (Unless very specific circumstances were met that I post below) You're also talking about a hostess at a restaurant that... has no indoor business during a pandemic. A hostess who seats people at tables that aren't available to be sat. Let's use Illinois as an example, in order to get this fictitious $200 you've thrown on top of the $600, you'd have to have made $11,000 in your two highest paid quarters from the year prior (That's $198/wk benefits). You said she was making $100 in 5/6 hours (which is obviously a lie, because the going rate for a high school hostess in a regular mom and pop restaurant is $12-$14 an hour depending on minimum wage in the county). We'll say she earns $100/wk for the sake of this argument and just assume you were wrong about the hours. In her two highest earning quarters, we'll say she made a little extra and made $3000. Here's the good news, that eclipses the state threshold in Illinois of $1600) so she will qualify. Ok, so what does she get in benefits for her $3000? $54/wk. So, if she qualified because she somehow wasn't claimed as a dependent and her parents didn't get a stimulus check for her (which likely is not true), she was making $654 wk for a couple months. That restaurant shouldn't have even needed her position in the first place, and there was never any reason for a kid to take on any risk for her or her family to make $3000 every six months. The restaurant should have been supported by the government due to a forced demand shock outside of industry control. But none of that happened. Instead we have people like you going around the internet lying about circumstances to complain that some already criminally underpaid people might actually be making a little extra money to eat 3 full meals a day with their kids for once... during a pandemic where they're choice was go to work and risk the health of your family for $12/hr, or be shamed for... doing what was best for there family. And the humor of all of this, is you're sitting here arguing about something that equates to $34,000 a year if it were worked full time. $654/wk is $34,000. The maximum benefit in Illinois is $478/wk. That's $24,856. You're worried about a couple people making $34,000 because you think they're worth less than that. It's truly remarkable to me. And again... a high school student whose parents claimed her was not eligible for the $600 assistance so your story is complete nonsense.
  9. The problem is if the order doesn't come from the top, the states can't afford to shut businesses down with zero support. States are already hemorrhaging sales tax dollars, and are already way underbudget on revenues. If the Fed's don't help the states and those who have been impacted, all shutting things down does is destroy the businesses and the homes with no assistance in sight. Meanwhile, banks lobbied because they didn't think 12/1 debt ratio was enough and went to 40/1 pre-2008, lending to everyone they could, lying to get people approved, and then sold those bad mortgages to unknowing schmucks in local government and pension funds and etc... then when they got caught and bailed out because trillions defaulted, many padded their pockets (Bear for one) while they merged with Chase and other corrupt banks that were all doing the same shit; stealing from everyone. It's amazing how people don't care that the 1% has literally STOLEN trillions over the last 12 years, but they get outraged when an unemployed person might make an extra $100 a week during a pandemic shutdown than they did before.
  10. 1. Most bar/restaurant people weren't making much more than the $600 extra. 2. There's no demand; that's why those industries are going under. It has absolutely nothing to do with employees not working because they can make more on unemployment. 3. What sick world do we live in where $800/week is considered too much for any full time worker in the richest country in the world? Now that I'm back working, I can say I was making well more than the $1000/wk unemployment paid me for a couple months but never once did I hear people like you concerned about how much less I was getting. And there are A LOT of us that were making a lot more than 52k who were forced out of work. People were unemployed due to a demand shock; anyone who has any of the unemployment issues on a macroscale are in agreement on this. All you have done by forcing businesses closed (which was necessary) and not supplementing those people is destroyed an industry which will in turn destroy other ones. This will take time, but things are not in good shape; commercial and corporate real estate is going to be in big trouble, and the hotel industry is about to lose about 30% of it's size. That doesn't even account for airlines destructions.... all of this means one thing and one thing only, 99% of the people will feel this pain over the next few years. This is just the beginning of the financial crisis.
  11. There's only one side that doesn't want to give too much to poor people after giving trillions to banks who committed mass fraud, and it's not the side Pelosi is on. There's only one side that worries about poor people maybe getting a couple extra bucks.
  12. 1. All studies have shown that surfaces really aren't the issue for the most part; it's not surviving that long outside of the host on surfaces. It is surviving in air longer though which is worrisome for winter. 2. Hundreds of hands would touch a golf pin or rake; when your food is delivered, there is literally one delivery person touching the bag. Again, they don't touch the actual food so if you remove it from the containers and plate it up and wash your hands, there's no added risk to delivery. The biggest risk to delivery is actually coming face to face with the person which is why I have the driver leave the food at the door.
  13. Unless you're eating the bag, or you don't plate your food and wash your hands, the delivery guy has zero contact with the food. I get supporting local businesses, I've tried to as well, but in reality the government should have shut these places down and supplemented their revenue for the time being. That didn't happen so now we're gonna lose like 50% of small businesses like restaurants. This whole thing has been such a disaster from a leadership perspective.
  14. COVID has been here for 7 months full-blown, and 210k+ have died. After the winter, the models that have been most accurate today project 340-370k dead by the end of the year. The Flu has killed 359,000 people since 2010. In terms of deaths per year, ignoring all other rates, COVID is 10 times as deadly as the Flu. They should have denied this geezer health care.
  15. If he tore his UCL, there's no chance - given his age and control left - they wouldn't send him to TJ if that was the best decision to make. Obviously, it's up to him at the end of the day but I would take the lack of news pertaining to Crochet as very good news. I said it at the time, but it looks like the White Sox may have just saved the kids are preemptively and caught and injury before it became catastrophic. It sucks, because I think the Sox win the game if Crochet doesn't get hurt, but at least the kid might be ready to go next year.
  16. Uh yeah ESPN, Rick Renteria is going to stick with his best reliever there bud.
  17. Can we all just say this loudly. LUIS ROBERT IS BACK! Good thing they didn't send him down....
  18. They might have just done something we've never seen a team do; catch an injury before it becomes catastrophic. Fingers crossed.
  19. Let's just let the Bumm man finish this whole game off. Guy is the GOAT
  20. Nah, he clearly didn't ask for anyone. I actually think this is a really sharp move by the Sox for the kids future, and not something every team would do. They saw a velo drop and reacted before the injury maybe. Fingers crossed.
  21. Also, why is Bummer coming in so early? What is happening?
  22. great way to manage when you know feelings don't matter as every player just wants to get it done. let's go rick!
  23. I'm not sure what this means; no one is arguing the zone is you standing straight up tall. I was saying relatively upward, in comparison to the crouches Bagwell and RIckey started in as an example... unless I missed someone saying that? The zone is where you are in the hitting position, not where you start but where you are when coming to the ball.
  24. yes, this is the jest of it. not sure what people aren't grasping. you can crouch as low as you want, but everyone is swinging from a near similar position and the zone is only effected by their height; as the rule is written.
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