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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Vaughn is a part of the final 40 man pool the Sox had to submit for the playoffs. Vaughn can only be placed on the roster in the playoffs for injury/COVID related reasons (I believe). If a player was called up in the month of September for an injury related reason, they are automatically eligible for the playoffs even if no injury occurs within the playoffs. Both rules are related.
  2. It's not about who you are replacing; the person is irrelevant. Rule is just written for this year if an injury forces a player onto the roster in the final 30 days, then said player is now postseason eligible.
  3. Ruiz is gone too, the order didn't really matter. Sox had three lefties with Fry, Bummer and Crochet all ahead of Detwiler.
  4. It's not about who you replace, it's about an injury forcing a guy onto the roster making him eligible for postseason play.
  5. He has never pitched in MLB; him getting some experience before the playoffs matters. Aaron Bummer has been one of the 5-8 best relievers in baseball over the past 1 1/2 years. He can come back for game 1 of the playoffs and it wouldn't impact him any differently than coming back on Saturday of this week.
  6. You might be right, but I think Bummer will be back for the playoffs. I think Rodon is done.
  7. Or they have no interest in using him before the playoffs, and he'll be activated for them. No chance in risking a reinjury in the close to the regular season.
  8. Roache, no one hits good pitching when it's going good. That's just how the game works. As for the pain; when you lose on a walk off, you're going to be bummed. It doesn't matter what level you're playing at. That said, I can say the majority of these guys woke up today and don't give a damn because that's the only way you're going to succeed in this game. If you treat baseball like other sports and get down and out after a loss, you're in trouble. It's so easy to have an 0-16 or 0-20 weekend at the dish with just a tiny bit of bad luck. You just can't let the game get you down like that otherwise you'll never succeed. The fans take most losses a lot harder than players. I think you know I appreciate your thoughts, or I wouldn't continue responding to you all the time, but I just think you're allowing the down period of the game to impact your opinions too much; just as people allow the upswings to impact their opinions too much as well.
  9. This is really where my issues arise. Tired of reading that nonsense every night. This year amplifies it and makes it worse to me; this treatment of athletes as if they were solely existing to entertain me. People hold athletes to a higher standard than they hold themselves.
  10. The similarities are there. Sox fans wanted to quit on the team in September of 05 too. Does that mean yo walks it off tonight to take division lead and never look back?
  11. every team in baseball is inconsistent. Holy cow roche. Im not optimistic for telling fans who say this teams stinks that they're wrong. Im not optimistic for telling those who call the offense chokers and bad they theyre wrong. The facts support my side. Im actually living in reality. Theres nothing realistic or honest about pretending the team isn't good and being overly negative. Even less so when those who are doing it projected this team to be a .500 team. Lol Youre praising how good the yankees are but supporting the doom and gloom sox picture. The yankees have been worse all year..smh
  12. If you take another man's opinion as him telling you how to act thats your own personal problem.
  13. Fair point. Im not a fan of the personal insults either. Life has been such a pain in the ass this year. I regret being a nervous wreck in 05 and not enjoying it enough; always thinking we were gonna blow it. With everything going on in the world this year I was gonna enjoy baseball no matter what. The sox being great is just tve icing on top. I promised myself that angst wouldn't consume me as a fan and I'd enjoy this instead. Its been a great experience. Last night I just turned the TV off. No big deal.
  14. i clearly annoy and bother you, yet you're in this thread, responding... so I think you get where he's coming from.
  15. I told you how to be a fan? Interesting; I guess even reading someone elses opinion that isn't your own is hard for you. That said, I expect nothing less from a guy who spews irrational and overly negative nonsense time and time again.
  16. This is actually the funniest part to me; in my circle of friends/family in real life, I am considered a pessimist. I don't paint rosey pictures of the team; I have pre-season analysis for each of the past 5 years to back that up. This year though? Yeah Sox80, I've been pretty optimistic because they've played like a GREAT baseball team. To say I'm a homer because I am excited and positive about this year is complete nonsense and actually the entire issue with the negativity that has consumed this place.
  17. So your answer to an already small sample of games - 60 - is to break them down into even smaller samples and dissect them and discredit the team that way. Interesting way to watch a team play a game. If you removed the White Sox from the conversation, here are the records of the following teams: (I removed the Cubs and the Twins because since they're good teams that the Sox didn't lose to so they don't count in your eyes because they don't fit the criteria, even though they're 50% of the Sox winning opponents lol) KC: 21-24 DET: 21-22 Cards: 25-24 Indians: 25-22 Reds: 27-27 So tell me again, how are the Cards, Indians and Reds superior to the "losing teams" the Sox have beaten? Since the Sox wins vs those teams don't count, then the winning teams wins vs the Sox don't count. So what are we left with? A bunch of .500ish teams. So please explain to me again how the Sox just can't beat any teams that are as good as the .500 cards and Reds.
  18. I agree, they're up against the clock. That much is obvious. They're also more likely to play like their season record in 4 days than they are to play like they have the last 3 days. They looked good vs the Twins. They have lost a few CLOSE games to good teams. That shit happens.
  19. The White Sox took 3 of 4 from Minnesota one week ago. People have just lost their minds.
  20. Waiting for all those fans that predicted a .600 + win %, since they're so disgusted by the product they're seeing. People acting like they don't have a shot again struggle to understand the streaky nature of the game.
  21. and that's a lot of the playoffs; timing and luck. Getting hot at the right time. The Sox aren't hot now, but the could get hot on Saturday, or Monday. That's baseball. Complaining and calling this a shit product and being critical of everyone on the team and in the organization is just complete nonsense. For a group of fans that have experienced such little success over 40 years to be so arrogant and off putting about the success they achieve is hilarious to me. It's like a terrible golfer who throws a fit on every hole after every bad shot and putt and then never even celebrates the very rare good shot. His expectations are at a level that is just nonsensical.
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