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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. lol honestly sometimes i think a lot of fans here don't even deserve the sox to be good because they make fools of themselves either way.
  2. You constantly refer to Kenny/Hahn as GarPax but Kenny/Hahn have a ring on their finger. Maybe you forgot.
  3. Additionally, if we want to talk about LEAGUE WIDE evaluations, that same GM (Rick Hahn) found McCann. In the same off-season that Yasmani Grandal got 18.5 million from that heralded Brewers GM you proclaim superior to Hahn, Hahn signed McCann for 2.5 million. That means the Brewers could have had the better player - according to you - for 16 million less but chose to overspend on a player they "internally didn't like as much" according to you. I'm trying to keep up on your logic here, but I'm having a hard time. Logic is important in debates.
  4. So the Brewers decided they didn't want Grandal and not that they couldn't afford him? Interesting take. Here's the thing about using pace/rate with Grandal - it ends up he's on the same pace he's been on the past 5 years, meaning it's reliable that he'd achieve that. McCann is on "pace" to achieve something he's never achieved, which is why I'm not going to cite his rate stats. Listen bud, I get that you can't refute the actual substance of the post. That's fine. All you can do is "defer to authority" as the basis of your opinion, but that also has lead you to conclude things without any evidence. While I agree the Dodgers let Grandal go and had high hopes for their catching prospects, I don't agree that the Brewers did. Your inability to grasp the fact that McCann has played in situations in which he's more likely to succeed which has enhanced his value is why you overstate his success. McCann hasn't had to play vs tough righties and match-ups in which he likely is a negative. Grandal has to play everyday, he's going to play vs good and bad match-ups. That's the difference in their two seasons.
  5. Robert has been fine the past couple days; protection isn't Robert's problem imo.
  6. https://theathletic.com/1188532/2019/09/06/now-its-all-in-house-white-sox-pitchers-tout-a-leap-forward-in-data-usage-this-season/ If you want to be critical of someone and make a lot of assumptions, make sure you read up about them beforehand.
  7. Grandal is on pace for a 4.2 fWAR season and a bunch of clowns on here are calling him a terrible free agent signing because an analyst who has never worked in a front office in his life has an infatuation with the back-up.
  8. This obsession with James McCann - which starts with Steve Stone's absurd love affair with McCann, where he constantly excuses all McCann mistakes - is just nauseating. Yesterday, McCann struck out looking on a STRIKE in the 9th. Stone goes off for 2 minutes how it wasn't a strike and McCann never argues and blah blah blah. It was very clearly a strike. Then Stoney was critical of Grandal leaving his right hand exposed when catching after the injury; yet Stone never mentions that McCann doesn't even move his hand to the side, instead he keeps it right in front of his chest when catching which is much more dangerous than holding it off to the side. Stone clearly likes McCann and they bonded last year, and he has done everything to justify his mistakes by being overly critical of Grandal.
  9. I have never read or heard a single criticism about Grandal calling games. In his tenure with the Dodgers, Grandal's catcher ERA was .1 below the team ERA despite Kershaw being caught by someone else for some of that time.
  10. If he throws 99+ with a +++ slider from the left side he could be a dominant long term starter without another pitch. Not sure his stuff is at the level when starting though.
  11. Bauer and ChiSox1917; authorities on climate science. Good to know.
  12. I don't feel the need to repeat my same argument and annoy everyone, so I'll leave this as the last time. Since Bauer was in college he has been a notorious dick head/unlikable me-first guy. I've also read, but never heard, that he was a dick head in high school too. I can tolerate a lot of things, but if Tito can't tolerate you then I likely couldn't tolerate you either. I don't for one second doubt his work ethic - Bauer is an incredibly self centered person and he wants to be the smartest and best so he puts in the work. It's great that Bauer said all those things... guess what, he was just on a team with a winning culture who was in the playoffs and he cut his hand playing with a drone costing them a World Series possibly, and then the within the next two years he pissed off Tito enough that they were done with him. Trevor Bauer cares about one person, Trevor Bauer.
  13. Little bit of advice for Vilehoopster; Pay off your mortgage.
  14. The Sox really don't seem to care about service time with pitching and they probably shouldn't.
  15. No good teammate in professional sports wants anything but health and prosperity for their teammates. It's why no one thinks Allen Robinson is selfish in the Bears locker room; they all get this is a ruthless industry and you have to get yours when you can and they are rooting for him to get paid as much as he is. In the same scope, media and fans are really the only people that question players health and injuries and etc. So if Kopech thought he wasn't prepared to be healthy and focused and etc, his teammates wouldn't consider him selfish at all. He would be doing what's best for everyone! they're rooting for him to figure it out and get well. Am I saying all teammates are like this? No, I'm not, but the good ones and the captains and leaders absolutely are. Selfish people exist in all walks of life and people who don't care about others do too, but in general this would be viewed as an honest and selfless move to get better by teammates, not a selfish one. The only people who question this bs and play this gossip card are guys that don't sit in that locker room as a peer.
  16. So many people coming into this year were critical of the off-season... critical of the rebuild. Pessimistic about this season and the future... This team took the step the front office thought they would when they started putting it together. People have been so used to failure and losing that they can't enjoy the good times; that negative look to protect them from the usual failures overcomes them. Stop... because for the first time in the history of the franchise, this isn't "the year" it's the first year.. the beginning. The beginning of something that other teams look at as a model. Let's Go.
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