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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. I know several people who broke into operations straight out of undergrad at places like FSU and Wisconsin - so I'd say your broad ranging proclamation is just not true. I also know several analysts/data science grads from local schools who went to work in analytics in baseball and left because of the treatment and layoffs during the pandemic coupled with the sub-par pay. Additionally it feels as though your belittling the idea that white people have a better shot by stating it's driven by resume and your whiteness didn't get you in either. Just as is the case in most gate-keeped industries, networking and knowing someone involved is more beneficial than any ivy league degree.
  2. I'm not a fan of a 39 year old coming off a serious injury; don't recover like you used to at that age, and is he on innings limit because of recovery? I wouldn't hate it like I hated Kimbrel, but it's not a great move imo.
  3. He's been banged up a lot which would be the concern, but he's been worth 5.38 fWAR/162 in his career and he'll be 27 pretty much all of next year. To put that number in perspective, Machado had been worth roughly 5.28 fWAR/162 in his career prior to his contract and he was roughly the same age (I believe 2 months older). Obviously Machado had a better history of health, but Correa definitely should be in that ballpark. Also, Harper had been worth 5.28/162. Correa is really good.
  4. Because you'd be a complete moron to let a team do a physical on you without a binding agreement. 1. Not all teams view physicals similarly and some have different requirements. 2. Why would you want a team you're not going to play for have your physical information?
  5. In this case that makes sense, but the Berrios and other signings/negotiations are happening much sooner than typical.
  6. I'm beginning to wonder if it's possible that a lot of these guys are going to sign early because they won't be able to negotiate during the lockout and if it goes on into the beginning of the season they'll be without contract for the entirety of that time and they'd rather know where they're going to play.
  7. The White Sox have no idea how other teams operate or what the value of their MLB guys are across the league. I think many are giving them the benefit of the doubt that Carlos "wasn't healthy and they'd know" but I don't understand giving this team the benefit of the doubt. If Carlos signs a multi-year pack north of 30 million or a one year deal like Noah, the Sox will look like complete fools again because they were so scared they might have to pay a guy they decided to let him go without getting the draft pick in return. Pretty amazing honestly. Teams like the Jays are out there spending 100's of millions and the Sox are worried about paying one guy 18.5 million if (and it's a big if) he accepted their offer. SMH.
  8. I don't actually think Berrios is going to age all that well, but I've been surprised before and I've been wrong before. That said, if I was a Blue Jays fan I'd be hyped as shit knowing their team is going to supplement their young talent with proven very good veterans that cost big money.
  9. This is honestly the most Angels signing I've ever seen. That front office blows my mind. At least they spend money though. I love how every other team that sees their window open is in full-spend mode... and then there's the White Sox.
  10. So, this is great in a vacuum but it's also a very white thing to say. Fact is, you (just like most) have inherent biases and those biases easily infiltrate the concept of "best hire" to be one of someone who looks most like you. There have been tons of studies done on this. I think Williams brings up a great point; for minority candidates they are often times discredited for not having enough experience, but a ton of white people get a shot with very little experience at all. Executive level positions in this country, in general (beyond just baseball) do not break down racially or gender-wise with either general population racial/gender identities or college education racial/gender identities. That alone should tell you that the "best candidate" is passed over time and time again. Hell, women are still under paid, as are many minorities, in comparison to their equal-footed peers.
  11. Of highest contracts ever given out, the Sox only rank ahead of the: Pirates Rays Indians Athletics The Sox ranked 15th in payroll in a year they, themselves, called all-in. I wonder where they get that cheap moniker. They "set the market" at positions and levels that aren't actually bank breaking. There's a difference between setting the market on a house in a cheap neighborhood by buying the most expensive house, than there is setting the market in a desirable and wealthy neighborhood by buying the most expensive house.
  12. The Sox claimed they offered "the most" to Machado too. Difference is in the Machado one the concept of "most" was called to question.
  13. Yeah, but you're not hearing about the % from a teams mouthpiece about how they offered more. Sometimes the Sox act like their doing the players a favor when they offer big money, and not that the player earned this money. Machado and Wheeler. I'm not insinuating it was a fake offer, btw. They offered it, they thought they'd get him and they didn't. They've still yet to sign someone over 100 million in the history of their organization (matched by only teams like the Pirates and Rays) and every season there are multiple Sox fans here linking the Sox to 30AAV+ guys and guys that would shatter the Sox largest contract; as if the Sox are the favorite or make sense. The Sox will never be a favorite for the marquee FA's on the market until they actually sign one for once.
  14. How is admitting that you offered a guy more money and he accepted to go elsewhere using the media to your advantage? lol
  15. How many teams run out right after a guy takes another offer to scream about what they offered him through their mouth piece?
  16. Yes, the Sox will set the market in markets that have caps that are well under the amount of money Robbie Ray and Marcus Semien are going to get. If you play a position that doesn't get 9 figure contracts the Sox are all-in on setting the market for you.
  17. Im pretty sure the Sox aren't the market setters you may think they are with this post. Actual teams that spend big money will be engaged with Ray and they will push the market up. The Sox are the team waiting in the weeds hoping someone falls through on the cheap.
  18. I think Toronto prioritizes Ray over Semien because of their need for pitching over bats.
  19. I'd certainly give him half that, but 138 is a bit much. Gausman is awesome and the real deal; that splitter has just changed who he is as a pitcher and put some value back in his fastball. I'd be worried about him going from the best ballpark in baseball to pitch in to a decent hitters park, that's for sure. That said, I'd give Gausman a 4/90-95 or possible a 5/100ish type offer.
  20. Eduardo Rodriguez has made 25+ starts once in his entire career before this year. Thrown 138+ innings in a season twice. Syndergaard missed 2 full seasons, he had much more problems with his arm than just suffering from basic TJ surgery. Since 2017 he's basically missed more time than he's pitched. I'm arguing id give them all QO's. The difference between Carlos and those two is he was very good last year. They ALL have risks with injury and inconsistency.
  21. Syndergaard has thrown 2 innings since 2019. Eduardo Rodriguez missed all of 2020 and then had a 4.74 ERA last year.
  22. That's pretty crazy, but a lot of risk with some of those and selling out can be difficult. I'm in $OMI token; I bought in at about .00146 - it's gotten up to a penny. I think $OMI actually has a viable and long term position - it has by far the best licenses in the NFT game (Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, USPS now, Back to the Future, WB and etc just to name a few of many) and their token is deflationary meaning as long as the business holds viability for a long enough period of time (ie the digital collectible market maintains it's presence), if you hold the value of OMI could really sky rocket 6-8 years out at their current burn rate. The more popular VEVE (their digital marketplace) continues to become the faster they burn and get into circulated supply. I've got 900,000 of them as I was a bit skeptical on NFT's and that market which cost me around $1300. Right now that's worth about $7200 but I'm holding for the long term, betting on the company, and hoping with the deflationary aspect we're looking at a 10-50cent run in the next 5-7 years. If it zeroes, it zeroes. Their licenses are so damn good.
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