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Look at Ray Ray Run

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Everything posted by Look at Ray Ray Run

  1. Say what? Kimbrel is not reliable. There is no guarantee he is anything but shaky next year. The guy should not be handed the closers job. I really don't understand this at all. What Kimbrel showed was not an aberration; it's what he had shown the previous two years before the 35 innings with the Cubs recently. The Sox having 32 million tied up in two relievers would be one of the dumbest decisions this organization has made and that is really saying something.
  2. The irony of this coming from you is you hated the player who was different.
  3. Anyone know how long it takes to get ALCS ticket refunds? Have my card closing in four days and am wondering if I should just pay it off in full or wait for the refund.
  4. Yeah, Greinke really isn't any better than Keuchel at this point I don't think. Had a FIP of 4.71 and that got worse as the year went on.
  5. I love how caufield pivots off one incorrect point and just pretends... well my point still stands with the other guy too. For the record, I think lux is overrated as a prospect and will not figure it out and become a good big leaguer.
  6. So both this off season and last, the team who owned Craig would have to give him away for pretty much free just to shed his contract. Yet the sox somehow found a way to acquire by absorbing the entire contract and throwing in two good young players. Amazing.
  7. Guy has seen back to back playoff appearances before 21. He's lucky as shit..
  8. My point is even if they're worse, if they make the playoffs multiple times they increase their chances of winning any series or WS. They were outplayed, there's no debate there, but they could win that series at about that same 44% rate if they played it again. I think they need to get more people who work counts in RF and 2B; it's really important not to K a lot. The biggest progress this team made was Yaz and Robert cut their K-Rate's significantly. They need to do that as a team in general.
  9. Yeah, and the point is the Sox have a much better chance than 20-25%. The series odds were about 56/44. If you thought there was zero chance this team could win a post season series you should have bet your house on the Astros. Make the playoffs as many times as you can in a row and that's how you increase your WS odds. Selling off all those pieces is a laughable answer.
  10. The worst team in baseball would win a 5 game series vs the best team in baseball 20-25% of the time. Every time someone says "isn't winning any post season series" they just show how out of touch they are with statistics and odds in baseball.
  11. LOL this is absolutely amazing. Sox are in the middle of their window with a very talented roster. Playoffs are a crap shoot. Season was disappointing but blowing it up is absolutely 100000% not the answer. Anyone stating so likes rebuilding and not actually winning baseball games which is just disturbing.
  12. Greinke was absolutely terrible down the stretch. He's finished I think.
  13. You trust Jerry or Kenny to replace him with someone better? I don't.
  14. I hate to say it, but this season was a failure. No growth or development. Traded young assets for rentals that were trash and hurt the future of the club. Obviously prefer to make playoffs and it was more enjoyable, but the boredom that was the second half to be topped off like this with non-competitive baseball in the few games that counted is rough. Hahn needs to make a splash this off-season, and have it actually work for once. Afraid to think if TLR is back it won't really mean a whole lot. He's just a dinosaur.
  15. So umpire squeezes Carlos then gives McCullers these pitches. SMH
  16. He just said "I can't feel my arm when I throw." I think he jammed it, not separated.
  17. Good call, once I heard Waino say that I realized that may have been what it was.
  18. He seems fine to me. Not sure why they visited. Carlos looked frustrated with it. Maybe Katz saw something but Carlos looks healthy.
  19. Carlos been sandbaggin' the league the past month! Let's go. That's my ACE.
  20. Sounds like just some difficulties getting into the park. Lots were all full. Should be a packed rowdy house. For game 3 I got to my seats like 1 minute before first pitch.
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