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Everything posted by mqr

  1. Idk, a bunch of journalists holding him saying hanging journalists is awesome against him seems pretty fair.
  2. Bregman is such a douche bag, and I've maintained that well before all this stuff
  3. Trevor Bauer is saying players do believe the Trout has an exemption for HGH thing but they don't give a shit. Which leads me to believe it's like low dose oral steroid type situation.
  4. Also, this tells me all the people getting all sanctimonious and shitting all over the astros are in for a rough couple weeks.
  5. Yeah, if true, no way he didn't take this with him to StL
  6. Could have heard about it from like Baines or someone
  7. Well he never actually played for LaRussa so
  8. Was Hawk Harrelson actually correct in firing Tony LaRussa? MY COLUMN:
  9. I've some bad news about the 1919 White Sox as well
  10. I never said it's a ridiculous claim, (pretty convinced most guys are on something anyway) but I'm not going to go bang down manfred's door on the word of a dude's 18 year old kid, who's team was getting bashed in constantly by Trout.
  11. According to Scott Brosius's kid on instagram. Can we relax with running away with this stuff?
  12. He's said he's heard it's true. I'm not trying to deny anything was going on, I'm just saying people are getting WAY too carried away with so called 'proof'.
  13. Gary Sheffield and Scott Brosius's kids are not players.
  14. All for getting to the bottom of this stuff, but the 'investigative reporting' and head hunting going on from internet dorks* is getting out of hand. *aware of the irony
  15. The baseball subreddit is getting dangerously close to 'we did it reddit' levels of dumb over the confetti
  16. I mean, I think the 10% of MLB managers that lost their jobs, would still very much rather have their job
  17. Look, man, I'm all for calling out cheaters, but Iet's be reasonable about how were looking at the so called proof.
  18. It's also the opposite shoulder than the niece claimed.
  19. To be clear, I'm not saying there's no way they weren't doing that, but there's now way that's what we are looking at in this instance.
  20. It’s literally it’s his twitter avatar, there’s no way it’s a buzzer
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