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Everything posted by mqr

  1. It’s true in literally every walk of life. That’s just the unfortunate reality.
  2. Agreed, it's awesome and there's such an insanely high skill ceiling on it that the stuff people can do is mind blowing. But, if you haven't picked it up yourself and have no interest in picking it up yourself, I totally get the what's the big deal reaction.
  3. I occasionally will watch some, and it's for the exact same reason I watch baseball. I enjoy watching people compete in something I myself enjoy at a level that I will never hope to reach. The house I lived in in college got really into Rocket League, and eventually heard about huge tournaments that were being streamed/televised and said screw it and sat and watched it and drank like any other sports game and it was entertaining as all shit.
  4. There is. There's always been. There always will be.
  5. That parody account has to hang it up now I think.
  6. Why do we have to have a referendum on a guy who was manager 4 years ago because he is getting his degree?
  7. this is the niece that accidentally broke him getting hired in the first place I believe.
  8. Danny Farquhar also knew exactly what he was throwing. The ump doesn’t. Farquhar, as far was we know, is also the only person who reacted to it in game.
  9. How is an umpire supposed to differentiate that banging from any other dipshit banging something in the stands
  10. Yes, I wasn't acting like the Twins might as well not show up though...
  11. You would think they just added 2001 Barry Bonds with the way a certain subset of White Sox twitter is acting.
  12. What were people saying about offseason championships the other day?
  13. It’s nice to give a shit about the twins signing someone
  14. Not wanting to put pressure on a 22 year old kid to feel like he must carry the offense
  15. You said the results are depressing, I thought that is what you were talking about
  16. You're not getting anything of any significant value for one year of McCann, and it's not like there was a big money reliever begging to get signed at any point this offseason that McCann prevented them from going out and getting. Sure Dellin Bentances is a sexy name, but he's a mess at the moment.
  17. There's a 99% chance he would be told to shut the fuck up and go pitch. And again, for the 9000th time, we have no idea who spoke up against it internally.
  18. I look at his Vs. Opponent splits and have to be skeptical that this is the case...
  19. Drake LaRoche would have put a top to all of this!
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