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Everything posted by mqr

  1. Does a manager: a. Handle the media well? b. Prevent a clubhouse from imploding? if the answer to these questions are yes, then the manager is not an issue.
  2. I find it hard to believe the Giants were ever seriously in
  3. They also said Mike Trout was the third best CF in like 2016
  4. All he costs is money. Donaldson is as attractive to me as either of those guys.
  5. I guess my worry is less he won't bounce back than it is he can't hold up.
  6. Anderson is going to have a good year defensively and then make an error in a wild card game or something and the calls to move him will never stop.
  7. Exhibit A: Marcus Semien's range numbers before and after Matt Chapman
  8. The fact that it's his second major arm surgery in as many years
  9. I would guess a 'minor' deal would be a literal minor league deal.
  10. Castellanos could benefit huge from a 1 year pillow deal.
  11. I believe payroll is now above average, which feels right where it should be for year one of contention.
  12. Bullpen and Rotation aren't exactly strengths but there isn't anyone that I want to launch into the Sun before the season even starts for the first time in what feels like forever.
  13. He's 6'6?? I've watched this dude pitch like 30 times and I was positive he was a normal sized dude.
  14. This has gotta be it right? It's nice to have everything tied up in a bow a week into January vs nail biting into March.
  15. Someone needs to explain to me why he's so much cheaper than Stammen and Harris though. Especially Stammen, because I am not seeing it.
  16. Cishek it is. Works for me. Can't believe he got a one year deal when Will Harris and Craig Stammen are out here getting multiple years
  17. The Boston stuff, while bad, seems to be on a much smaller scale.
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