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Everything posted by mqr

  1. I don't think we're quite there yet, but the writing on the wall is starting to show.
  2. Probably why he sucks so bad, throwing with the wrong hand and what not
  3. Timmy needs to cause another noble dust up to pump his numbers into the top three.
  4. Alonso's lineup position/playing time finally in free fall. I wonder if TA has communicated that he prefers to hit in the bottom third.
  5. Sucks for it to end this way for Nicky, but it was going to have to happen eventually.
  6. They have a comparable offense right now lol. 95 to 91 OPS+. Replace Yonder Alonso with someone remotely competent and you probably already have a more productive lineup.
  7. Idk where else to put this, but baseballsavant released a new statcast metric that measures outfielder 'Jump'. Leury Garcia is 3rd in baseball behind Kiermier and Guillermo Heredia.
  8. Yeah McCann over Sanchez is going to be a tough sell
  9. Manuel Olivera doesn't have the same ring to it. Sounds like a bust
  10. That whole comment kinda had a ‘well duh’ feel to it.
  11. The report now is that he’s out of surgery and not in any danger
  12. There’s a video floating around and it does not look like a robbery. It looked more like an assassination attempt. He’s in stable condition The perp apparently caught quite the beating.
  13. Man if Moncada ever figures out the strike out thing he’ll be an all timer
  14. I think that’ll be the move
  15. No, but I believe in regression. Pitchers in the Sox org were pretty much immune to arm injuries for a decade. That couldn’t continue at that rate. Not everything can or has to be blamed on someone
  16. Nobody wanted either of those guys except the teams they want to. And last I checked, Milwaukee isn't exactly the most attractive destination in the world.
  17. Has McCann not been one of their best 4 hitters?
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