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Everything posted by mqr

  1. This is no hit shit he’s got going.
  2. The trade off with Bummer is fine w me
  3. Eaton is such a d-bag. Wouldn’t be surprised if Frazier is too, but Eaton has gotta be impossible to deal with.
  4. I don’t think anyone would today. He has A++ stuff going
  5. Didn’t they have to have their lockers separated?
  6. It’s not really an opener when no one is going to come in and pitch 4-5 innings.
  7. That was a gd whiffle ball. Holy moly.
  8. I wonder if astros fans are bothered by the camera. Only half of their games would be like this.
  9. So is the dirt around home absolutely massive or is that just the angle?
  10. This camera angle is extremely disorienting
  11. Eloy and the Crawford boxes scare the hellout of me
  12. It's much much much more likely than them paying him another 9 million bucks
  13. I think I feel better with a bullpen day than I would throwing Banuelos into the fryer.
  14. The White Sox went 4-2 against them with a significantly worse roster in 2017.
  15. mqr

    Palka time

    You're acting like they're a million guys that deserve a shot. They've already cycled through 2 guys and got 2 others to stick some. Who's left? A 29 yo Matt Skole? Alonso sucks, sure, but Jon Jay may never see the roster, and Wellington Castillo absolutely needs to be around until someone else proves they can catch at the major league level. File all of this under Who Cares, Let Me Know When They're Gone.
  16. No, but he was slugging .077 against lefites.
  17. mqr

    Palka time

    Not when you don't care about winning baseball games?
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