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Everything posted by mqr

  1. not surprised that they find common ground here. Also so I like Stro
  2. Sending an African American to sensitivity training for saying the n-word would cause an even bigger shit storm than this.
  3. He seems like a uber-smart dude. But this is the line that stuck out most to me: There was no public stirring or knowledge of Anderson’s language use before the league decided to take disciplinary action, yet they felt so uniquely motivated to take a supposedly principled stand that they clumsily entered a debate on the use of the n-word that they are ill-prepared for, when it was used in a forum which doubtlessly contains multitudes of other matters to address if it was thoroughly parsed.
  4. https://theathletic.com/934777/2019/04/19/tim-andersons-one-game-suspension-ignores-a-world-of-context/ fegans piece is pretty darn good
  5. I know this was an accident but it made me lol
  6. I want him to gently place his bat down, sprint around the bases and apologize to Martin Maldonado when he cross the plate
  7. This is something that never clicked with me until far more recently than I would like to admit
  8. What seems to be lost, is that none of this would have happened if Keller sucked it up.
  9. Random tweet I just saw "There is not one group of people I would want to have this discussion with less than baseball fans" 1. lol 2. Dammit he's right
  10. Don't disagree. Some are more in your face than others though.
  11. The Unwritten Rules have always had some sort of vague racial aspect to them
  12. All this talk about abreu, I’m like 90% sure that is Anderson’s clubhouse
  13. All of this to protect Joe frickin West. They just can't get out of their own way.
  14. So how many of the Tim should have been suspended people also think losing Wahoo was a travesty? 50%?
  15. This is far from the only word that is acceptable in some situations and not in others. It doesn't take a genius to figure out context.
  16. Tim actually might of put himself in Bryce Harper fame territory after all of this
  17. Regardless what you think about the use of the word, It shouldn't be up to the MLB to dictate whether or not it is okay for Tim to use the word. Not if they're going to allow other forms of swearing.
  18. This the first time I've ever heard of someone saying that. Somehow I doubt it's the first time it's been said.
  19. We would hear about that. He absolutely was accused of dropping an n-bomb. Whether or not he did idk.
  20. Dollars to donuts says Joe West either fabricated an n-bomb or caught something Tim was saying under his breath
  21. Technically I think there is. It has absolutely never been enforced though.
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