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Everything posted by mqr

  1. I think he's already proven his only ability in center is to be a body
  2. There's no absolute truth about any of this. Which is why people have been arguing about it for almost 24 hours now.
  3. They're entertainers, not accountants. And the NFL just went real lax with all of that, if you didn't notice.
  4. Well, you do. But hockey allows that sort of thing. But someone has to accept a fight. You don't see guys firing 100 mph slappers at people though. If anderson were allowed to go and punch someone in the ribs, I wouldn't have a problem with plunking. But he's not, so I do.
  5. But why? What difference does it make. Again this is all arbitrary. He didn't direct anything at the royals, he didn't put anyone in danger. What, then, is the big deal?
  6. Exactly. It's also why Anderson seems to be getting into this stuff all the time. He's an outsider. Its pretty great.
  7. Why is it a bad example to celebrate? What does that have anything to do with a harmful habit? And how is it professional to throw a fit on the mound and put someone in danger?
  8. Like 99% agree, but the perception of baseball players being sticks in the mud certainly doesn't help. This is the most the internet has talked about a specific player in.......? That's a good thing. That helps.
  9. At the end of the day, Tim just made himself one of the most well known marketable players in baseball. If he could keep up the play, he is going to be a very rich man. Also, I hope he hits a no doubter in Kaufmann and makes a scene of gently placing the bat down.
  10. Suspend guys for a month when they hit someone on purpose. Done. Unwritten rules are gone.
  11. I said this in the gt, but people really gotta give him a chance until the team matters and this backs up my point. Making a bad team entertaining is incredibly difficult
  12. Whenever stuff like this comes up I just like to ask people who get mad at the batter or say he had it coming why? And 99% of the time it comes down to ‘well, that’s just the way it goes’. That drives me nuts because the way it goes is dumb and bad for the overall health of the game. Throwing at a guy for putting your team in danger is one thing, in fact, I might say there’s a place for it. But throwing at a guy for hurting your feelings or going against some arbitrary made up nonsense is chicken shit. How man games would anderson get if he went and punched Keller square in the ribs after he fist pumped a strikeout? 30? 40? It’s all absurdly dumb.
  13. There are people from from all corners of non-baseball twitter talking about Anderson and the White Sox is a positive light. This is objectively awesome.
  14. You could take the player out of the cardinal but you can’t take the cardinal out of the player
  15. In more irritated about Grichuk than Keller tbh also it’s clear that Anderson is not a ‘baseball guy’ and he obviously doesn’t care. It’s great.
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/scottmerkin/status/1118652801285066753 Bad news. Doesn’t sound like he cares.
  17. Not only is it fun but there are apparently in game advantages to doing it ....so why wouldn’t you?
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