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Everything posted by mqr

  1. It’s crazy how people forget the Joe was the guy the Dems paired with Obama to make more people more comfortable voting for a black guy who was at least running as pretty progressive
  2. The lawsuits have all been meaningless
  3. yeah that’s why my initial response was to laugh. Fox people would blow a gasket if they realized how divisive even AOC can be on the left.
  4. Liberals are not leftist and leftists are not liberal. Words have meanings.
  5. All the lawsuits out there are not making any kind of effort to actually overturn results. He’s lying about his own suits.
  6. I’m of the believe he never wanted it in the first place
  7. His heart isn’t even in this
  8. The suit got thrown out
  9. Big brain geniuses rigged the election and forgot about the Senate. Whoops!
  10. They honestly may as well call that
  11. The MAGA civil war is starting, and it rules.
  12. If you can tolerate an abundance of slurs, /pol/ has been a delightful source of schadenfreude for the past 48 hours.
  13. Hopefully it's jumping ship and not a SecDef being unwilling to carry out whatever crazy ass plan he might have.
  14. I know there are more important races, but the narrative of Detroit showing up to put the team on it's back rules.
  15. If he wanted to guarantee whoever the Dem candidate ends up being sure.
  16. Would need to totally rebuild the electoral system for that.
  17. Man, I'm just pointing out that "all this happened under Trump" is factually incorrect.
  18. I'm not saying he justified anything, it's just not true that the rioting is a 'Trump's America' problem. Ferguson was 2014. Trump certainly fanned the flames, but the police protesting is not going anywhere any time soon.
  19. I mean...that's also false, it started under Obama and will continue under Biden unless something changes. The idea that Obama/Biden are supportive of is is patently absurd though.
  20. Rigging the election and forgot to give the Senate to himself.
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