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Everything posted by mqr

  1. Bernstein was wrestling back tears for a good fifteen minutes.
  2. They sent us the wrong masks ffs
  3. Bernstein's opening statement this morning is a roooooooough listen
  4. Even still, it is a massive, massive problem that anyone needs to have been kissing the president's ass to get help during a global crisis.
  5. Probably short on data but that positive cases line looks pretty linear at this point in spite of the explosion of tests.
  6. I’m no John Keynes, but that seems bad imo
  7. This is one the most truly absurd quotes I’ve ever heard. JFC these people, and this one in particular, are useless.
  8. That upper bound is terrifying though.
  9. The disruption is what is going to cause the social change not necessarily the virus itself. There are going to be A LOT more poor people in 2021 than there were in 2019.
  10. 1000s of shuttered businesses. The economy will be changed fundamentally, probably accelerating toward increased Amazonification. If it gets bad enough you'll see eventual social unrest and subsequent reforms. It's also not outside the realm of possibility that sports leagues shutter if for someone reason we can't get going in 2021 either.
  11. We’re looking at worse job loss than the fucking Great Depression dude, on top of WWII level deaths.
  12. The CFR is 5%, Imperial College believes that the IFR is less than half a percent, which is obviously still bad.
  13. meant like staples and shit where I was getting TP a couple weeks ago
  14. just realized they're probably not open anymore..
  15. Office supply stores for TP ?
  16. At least he answered the bell, unlike the FL governor leaving the beaches open.
  17. I've taken to making a playlist with nothing but songs with gang vocals to trick myself into thinking I'm in a large crowd. Morale is low.
  18. There was no demand for a vaccine after it burnt itself out in a few months.
  19. I'm not advocating for starting things back up, just for taking things a handful of weeks at time as opposed to three months.
  20. I don't necessarily disagree, but we don't know to what degree the Chinese measures were actually necessary. The west coast seems to be coping without going that far, NY not so much.
  21. That's an assumption. New cases could start to level off tomorrow for all we know. I certainly wouldn't bet on it, but it's entire possible the peak isn't that far away.
  22. Could pretty easily have a four month season and playoffs in November in this scenario.
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