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Everything posted by mqr

  1. Pretty sure remdesevir is actually really far along given that it was original made for Ebola. edit: far along enough To know that it doesn’t kill people at least
  2. And I guess it helps we don't have a mostly pointless global cataclysm ON TOP of the pandemic
  3. I would say there's less than zero percent chance they let this get to a labor impasse at this point. The owners are going to be desperate to play.
  4. Keep in mind the spanish flu didn't really get cooking until after it died down in the summer
  5. The problem is many people are unable to just disappear for two weeks at best or are too stupid to at worst without some confirmation.
  6. My panic subsided about a week ago and I've just since been consumed with morbid fascination.
  7. The email from my CEO called us American heroes so uh.... you're welcome?
  8. I'm not sure how in the world a lockdown would work in the US short of driving Abrams tanks through cities. Americans aren't exactly known for being either easy to tell what do or poorly armed.
  9. Man if it’s bad enough that they can’t start the season up in June baseball will be the absolute last of our worries.
  10. It doesn’t show from the way he runs his teams but Jerry is fairly generous as far as billionaire owners go. at least a 19 year kid didn’t have to step up and do this.
  11. Mine is doing half in half at home alternating days which is....the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard
  12. Pretty sure they're only testing people in pretty rough shape. At least I hope to god that's the case because their numbers are absolutely horrifying.
  13. One of my favorites, just got done watching the show. related: I will be listening to ‘I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside’ until I either die or someone let’s me go to a g damn Sox game.
  14. The service time issue is something they will have to solve for in coming days
  15. Also, I'm a huge record dork and I can't imagine that those stores aren't absolutely boned even beyond the virus getting under control, so that really sucks.
  16. We literally have no idea. There's zero hard evidence one way or the other.
  17. JB and the owners agreed, no games in Chicago until May 1st. Sucks to hear, but mid-april was a pipe dream anyway.
  18. I just hope to fucking god that losing out on our entertainment for a few weeks/months is the worst that comes of this.
  19. We learned why that was never going to work less than 24 hours ago.
  20. I think I just decided I'm going to get really into chess once quarantine comes down. I'm not sure the handful of video games I just picked up or the books I have on backlog are gonna cut it.
  21. That mortality rate In Italy is alarming to say the least.......
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