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Everything posted by mqr

  1. I think this is like 99th percentile best case scenario
  2. It's hilarious in an extremely morbid way
  3. This shit is probably going to end up being the most defining historical moment of our life time and uh we've already lived through a pretty big one.
  4. On the economy, this has a real chance to be China's post WWII moment if they are actually past this and other global economies are in the dumpster for an extended period of time.
  5. There's a Patton Oswalt(?) bit about how one day times will become so crazy that we will turn to boring, grounded movies, instead of fantasy, to escape reality. I watched Chef last night and it was the happiest I've been in a week. We're at that point.
  6. If it makes you feel any better, I convinced myself I had a fever and was up all night sweating when my company told me to get ready to work from home. anxiety does weird things.
  7. If people hadn’t been clowning me for week for being too nervous about this I’d be inclined to agree. But it’s in our nature to try and shrug things off. Like I said, maybe now we can begin taking this crisis seriously.
  8. They’re both being tested. Also Tom hanks has it.
  9. I think opening day got canceled right there.
  10. Can’t wait to be on my third week of wearing dirty drawers when we aren’t allowed to go to the laundromat anymore.
  11. Well... my sister was given 24 hours to leave campus yesterday.
  12. I would say there's almost zero chance you or I will be attending opening day.
  13. A player on Juventus just tested positive. They soldiered through a game this past weekend. Every one of those players has been exposed. This is why I don't think the no fans thing is feasible.
  14. I'm a few days from being told to stay home, and all I know is I will make a concerted effort to be more productive so I never have to come back in again
  15. Just about everywhere eventually will. They all are starting to (U of I, Dayton, Purdue, Michigan, Michigan State just off the top of my head have). Nobody wants to be the one school that tries to soldier through and get smashed with the virus.
  16. The Chinese Basketball Association is calling American players back and many of them are refusing. If reports from China are to believed (I'm really not sure if they can) they're probably better off there...
  17. In a way, I'm way more scared about what the world will look like on the other side of this than I am of the disease itself.
  18. The "My job isn't to scare you out of your wits, it's to scare you into your wits" line was great
  19. TBH I'm not sure the media is hyping it enough. Still seeing wayyyyy too many "The flu is worse" articles when just about every doctor in the world has come out and said this is 10x worse than the flu. But I feel you on the WHO thing, in regards to H1N1.
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