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Everything posted by He_Gawn

  1. Here in Indiana where I live were supposed to get 1/2-1 inch of ice and 2 inches of snow. Im hoping for no school!
  2. We should of got Pitino when he wanted to coach IU when Knight was fired.
  3. He_Gawn

    Photoshop Contest

    She "dougs" you to.
  4. He_Gawn

    My Boxer Pictures

    Cool dogs, you wanna see die hard white sox fan....
  5. He_Gawn

    Photoshop Contest

    trying to cut that old pic was a b****.
  6. He_Gawn

    Photoshop Contest

    I may give this a shot.
  7. He_Gawn


    Chicago Bears got 0.
  8. Yea, they werent bad. Had one of the top players in the nation on their team in Tutt.
  9. Did you see how the game was won? Purdue shot a 3 pointer with 2 seconds to go and tied it. Brandon Mcknight still thought they were down one and fouled Baylor, and Baylor hit one free throw and won.
  10. Like our league on Soxtalk, it dosnt cost money, you join for free.
  11. I actually had $50 2 years ago on the Marlins to win it with my friends.
  12. I had that cubs one for a while. Great job.
  13. Guys, its my job to say He Gawn! Party poopers.
  14. Yea I do, and if theres an award for most retarted moment, Im the winner.
  15. You waited 4 minutes. Give some people some time even though I have no idea why you would want to spend your money on that.
  16. Yea, they talked some about Ben Allen tonight also and Im starting to like the kid even more. Sounds like a great big man, FINALLY.
  17. Yea im finally starting to get used to those sticks. I dont like em much.
  18. I think a mod just needs to delete this thread to save this guy some humilation.
  19. You make no sense. Your the same person.
  20. Havnt you tried to start one already but told everyone you and your fiance had no time?
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