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Everything posted by He_Gawn

  1. Yea I know, I live 20 minutes from Purdue and just got back from Lafayette. Had to go to BW 3's.
  2. Yea Purdue may win and Orton may get a whole bunch of media for it, but he really isnt all he's hyped up to be. Drew Brees was a replica of him and look at him, he sucks in the NFL. Orton sure as hell wont be a Peyton Manning, so drop that subject.
  3. Eh, game isnt over yet b****es. Purdue can blow it. I still think Orton isnt that great. He's being compared to Manning? Thats s***.
  4. That means he would HAVE to boost the payroll.
  5. Cant wait to see you back next year Shingo.
  6. I would of rubbed the kids nose in it.
  7. Worked at an Elevator this summer. Sucked ass at 6.25 an hour getting up at 4.
  8. Cant wait til next week. Irish gonna knock off the Boilers.
  9. A hottest chick contest. Think we could get one going?
  10. Once again, go look at Gload, Rowand, and Uribes stats this year. Valdez and Burke are no slouches either.
  11. And you are basing this on what? Have you seen these guys play this year? Cut it out with the bulls*** playa haterness.
  12. Thats exactly where I would put him. He can hit for average and power. Sets the table for Frank and whoever else we pursue.
  13. Hell yea Im excited. I cant wait til moves start happening. One of my favorite times of the year.
  14. Why do people still think Arow is a number 2 hitter. Have you watched the f***ing games?
  15. Nortre Dame kicking the s*** out of Washington 21-0 in the 1st Quarter. Im ready for next week to beat the f*** out of Purdue.
  16. Hell, if we have to give up Lee to get Beltran. Do it. Id rather have Pauly.
  17. You think and complain way to much. Just be positive for once just maybe?
  18. He_Gawn

    Stripper Pole

    Damn, thats one hell of an idea.
  19. I picked Pujols. Jeter is a flamer.
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