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Everything posted by He_Gawn

  1. The recruiting god is Mike Davis, to bad he can never get them to stay. This kid wont either.
  2. Go me, 1-0 in game threads this year.
  3. Just wanted to let you all know. Jeremy Reed is starting tonight for Seattle.
  4. Adkins has Starter stuff. Once he puts it together. Watch the f*** out.
  5. Im growing up in the wrong century. This is horses***.
  6. Make some pilsbury rolls, dip them in Butter and cinimon, and you have a freaking awesome cinnimon roll. Going to go make some now.
  7. I got a bet with my friend on the Pats. Im from Indiana but I hate those damn Colts.
  8. And those Cub fans will make sure of that.
  9. Damn, I wish i lived closer to Chicago to go see that.
  10. Damn I forgot all about Escobar. Anyways, some of you guys are very negative. If you dont like, express why and what to change. Israel4ever, everything you say is negative and to me, I think you hate any team anyone puts together.
  11. I'll only agree to that if Abraham is on the team, man that guy can Sacrafice!
  12. That show f***ing rocks . Anyways, way to go Sox, to bad Santana is a god.
  13. I really dont see whats wrong with Sele. Diaz and Grilli have done well occasionally. At least you'll know what youll get everytime from Sele. Nasty Curve also.
  14. Nah, Sele has faired well over his career. You go convince JR to dish out money to Pedro and come talk to me.
  15. Cool, I didnt know that was BMAC's dad. Welcome sir!
  16. We wouldnt get enough run support for our pitchers!
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