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Posts posted by brijames

  1. Sox are in big trouble! The Twins know how to win a Division and expect to. The Sox are only hoping to. The Twins knew that with a win today the division is pretty much theirs. 13 of their last 16 against the Tigers and the Indians. The Sox have 13 of 16 with all contenders, NY, Boston and KC. The Twins arent going to do much worse than 12-4.. That will leave the Sox having to do the same or have to sweep the Twins in minny. Bottom line the Twins smell the division title and their playing like it.

  2. this is the most important game of the year to date. A win and were 2 up a loss and were tied. A huge two game swing is on this game. The twinkies are in the drivers seat with a win. With their schedule of playing the Indians and Tigers while the Sox are playing Boston and the Yankees they are going to feel great coming out of this series tied. I'm sorry but a Sox loss today and I really think were in big trouble.

  3. Once it hits September baseball is not in the forefront of most peoples minds. Also on a weekday night at 7 most people are just gettiing home from work after battling the insane Chicago traffic. The last thing they will be doing is heading back into the city for a baseball game. I wouldnt expect any more than 30-35000 for any weeknight game the remainder of the season. The weekend games have to compete with college and pro football and football will win that fight every time. In all but a few cities baseball is and has been dying a slow death.

  4. 16 of their last 23 games are with Texas, Det, and Clev. The other 7 are against the Sox. Of the Sox remaining 23, 13 are with KC, Boston and NY. The other 10 include 3 with Clev and the 7 with Minny. It's pretty obvious the Sox will have to win at least 5 of the 7 with the twinkies to have a legitimate shot at this thing. They are also going to almost have to sweep this upcoming series with the Indians. If they are a game or 2 back of the Twins heading into next weeks 4 game series they will be in big trouble. Also while the Sox and KC are beating up on eachother for 7 games the Twins will be playing Det for 7. Det has yet to beat the Twins this year. Another huge factor is while the Sox will be playing all their remaining games with teams fighting for the playoffs the Twins will be going against teams just playing out the season, teams using players just called up and not caring if they win or lose. Bottom line is the Sox will have to play out of their minds down the stretch and hope the Twins do a major choke job. It really is going to take a miracle finish for the Sox to win this thing.

  5. I think i speak for those of us who seem to be so negative. We just want this team to win so stinking badly! It's so frustrating to watch this team struggle against a team that is so inferior. Crede and Maggs and especially Loaiza have stepped up huge today. That is what you need down the stretch, players who refuse to lose!

  6. Championship teams have character. This team has none. Teams with character play just as hard against everybody.It's a mindset. It's mental toughness. You beat up the teams you are supposed to, especially in a pennant race. You can call me Mr negative or any other names you wish but it won't change the fact that this team will more than likely finish in 3rd place and the fire sale of players will begin. It's called a refuse to lose mentality. Can you honestly say the Sox have that?

  7. I dont care if we have 139 games left, this is why I have conceded. I have followed this team for 20 friggin years. A lot longer than most of you eternal optimist have. I have suffered through year after year of dissapointment. This season is probably the worse because this Central Division is absolutely pathetic yet the Sox with a boat load of talent will probably finish in third place. Talent wins nothing without character and heart and the desire to win at all cost. The players on this team have none of that. They spout off in Sports Illustrated how they belong in first and the Royals are pretenders, well back up the yapping with your play on the field! These guys care nothing about winning a championship. They care nothing about the long time Sox fans who have had to witness this crap for years. They get their big fat paychecks win or lose. And it's a lot easier to lose!

  8. This season is over, history, toast whatever you want to call it. Find other things to do with your time and save yourselves the aggravation of yet another wasted season. This team has no character whatsoever. They fold under any expectations whatsoever. You can take this to the bank, the rangers will score 10 runs tommorrow and win easily!

  9. How a team plays in a pennant race against sub .500 teams, teams it should be beating up on speaks directly to the character of a team. This team has no character. They spout off in the SI article out this week that they are the team to beat and belong in first place, not the Royals. Well guess what. Actions speak a little louder than words and losing 3 out of 4 to a lousy Angels team says a lot! They are in a pennant race for gosh sakes, why should they need a fire lit under them now? All I hear is excuses, well they just don't play well on the West coast, or they don't do well against pitchers the first time they see them, or they don't play well in front of small crowds or when the humidity is above 86%. The facts are this supposed full of talent team is 2 games behind a team that had the worst record in bb last year. The Sox are a barely over .500 ballclub who talk a good game but have never backed it up.

  10. The Sox will go in the tank for the next 3 weeks, wilting as usual under expectations. They will then, after being well out of the race, win their last 8 games as they always do with no expectations. That is because they are a bunch of no character losers, PERIOD! And yes I am a pissed off 20 year follower of this crappy franchise.

  11. Thank goodness football season comes when it does, always just in time to take my attention off another gutless Sox failure of a season. Losing 3 out of 4 to an Angel team which is decimated by injury and is just playing out the season is a disgrace. And not just losing, we have only 2 stinking hits! I guarantee that Texas takes 2 of 3 if not a sweep this weekend. They are hitting the ball like crazy right now and our supposed strong pitching is done!

  12. Say whatever you want, after 20 years of following this franchise you become more than qualified to judge when a team does not have what it takes to win a division title, even if it is the weakest division in baseball. This team does not have the the fire the passion to be a champion. It has no character. It is a team full of players who have never won anything in their major leauge careers. They will tease you during the season when they will go on a winning streak, when it means nothing, but will fold like a cheap suit when the heat get's turned up. I can absolutely guarantee you they will struggle like heck against the Rangers this weekend, probably losing 2 of 3. As they fall out of the race quickly you will see the true colors of this team. The bickering and all that goes with it will rear it's ugly head. The best that will come of this is we have seen the last of Manuel along with a lot of the dead weight that this team has been carrying for far too long. Yes Sox fans it's time to re tool the ballclub yet again. Thank goodness football is here. As always it takes the away the sting of a pathetic Sox season quickly.

  13. Being optimistic is fine, but after 20 years of following this team being realistic is the much smarter way to go and it saves you a lot of heartache down the road. The core of this team has yet to show the heart and soul of a winner. Yes it was nice they went down battling last night but the fact is they should of never been that far behind, or behind period for that matter. This team has a lot to prove yet, and it's mostly to themselves. They have to play every game here on out with passion and executuion. Beat these sub.500 ballclubs like they should, that is if they are truly worthy of being division winners.

  14. This is the Sox team i have come to know over 20 friggin years of following them. They willl be lucky to go .500 in these next 14 games against below .500 ballclubs. It's like they can't sustain a high level of effort for any length of time. It's friggin ridiculous!

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