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Everything posted by 2Deep

  1. All of the Jake burger fan club needs to pipe down Atrocious Outside of Robert and pitching they all suck Anderson needs to be put on IL for rest of year for mental issues
  2. Heading to LA tomorrow to see friends. Will be at game on Wednesday night
  3. Oh boy! Bummer in .......... How will this end......
  4. Wind howling out to Left and our guys pounding ball into ground
  5. Worst hitting team in baseball with no approach at the plate
  6. Got busy and forgot to start thread today as we won yesterday. But 17 pitches and 6 outs will not win you anything
  7. Never started a game thread before. Not sure if I have the liberty to start one but here you go..... Maybe I will bring some luck
  8. We are not winning anything Oscar colas needs to be up with mlb roster
  9. Keep chasing high fast balls you can't hit. This is our player development
  10. Don't mind the approach when u swing at strikes
  11. Grandal is a corpse of what he use to be
  12. Sorry ass........ Approach to hitting Approach to playing baseball Coaches Players Organization
  13. This team gets worse by each day Lucas deserves better
  14. Lots of hate for TA playing 2nd. Look, I dislike this team just like all of you but nothing to hate here. A injured player wants to play bad enough and help the team any way he can where he's willing to shift his position. I appreciate the effort even if they suck
  15. 2Deep


    If he signs with WS then he will be hurt and become a flawed player
  16. You cannot put the game in bummer's hands there. Go with your best reliever in this scenario.....SANTOS
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