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Everything posted by 2Deep

  1. This game has a wierd feel to it. Lets get 2 outs and get out of here
  2. Are we keeping him in Charlotte for rest of season? Not sure why he his wasting away in Charlotte
  3. We are trying very hard to fall apart late in this game. If I'm TLR I'm calling a team meeting tomorrow to have a one sided talk about cleaning things up and letting them know its time to start putting the foot on the pedal and take this b**** off cruise control
  4. When you are a station to station team and don't steal or hit and run enough, and hit lots of singles then you will have hard time scoring no matter how many hits you have
  5. I have no issues with TA getting the rest to heal up. I have issues with the rest of the line up and our set up guy
  6. Look bro, its frustrating that we gave up so much for this shit. I'm genuinely worried that he will not turn it around. I'll be honest, kimbrel is a huge issue for me but I do not like that TLR and his guys have set the plane on coast mode. It will not bode well for this team. They are not good enough or have the playoff pedigree as a team to do that.
  7. My bad 2019. Point still remains.... What has he done to instill confidence in the ladder stages of his career. He shit his pants for the Red Sox in 2018 in playoffs. You mention games being meaningless and I can agree there but at some point you have to look like a playoff team or a shut down reliever. You constantly keep getting beat by good to very good teams and your $16 mil man, who you gave up 10 years of control for young good players, keeps shitting the bed.
  8. What is it going to take to light a fire under this teams ass.......a sweep to the blue jays? In that case I hope the blue jays sweep their asses.
  9. The fucking Tigers are a better team then us since all star break, while we sit here and make excuses every night
  10. Not for the price you paid for him with Heuer and Madrigal and the $16 mil a year he's getting
  11. It is and could be a disaster in the sense that you did not get what you thought and what you paid for. It also has potential disaster written all over it with this dude coming into a close game in playoffs
  12. But kimbrel is not a Katz issue. Dude is a 33 year old vet.....what is Katz going tell him?
  13. Good news.......can he hit for himself?
  14. Gents and ladies, I'm going to preface my comments by acknowledging that our offense blows right now and pretty much has in key parts of the season.........BUT..... This Kimbrel trade could a disaster for this team and organization. This supposed great reliever has no clue where the ball is going. He is a disaster........this was the Craig Kimbrel the Cubs saw in 18 when they signed him. He is reverting back to that dude he was in 18.....absolute hot garbage. I'm so tired of watching this guy as he has blown leads, given up tying or winning hits or wild pitches. Lets open our eyes and see how bad this guy really is. He has been scored upon in the majority of his white sox outings. This guy, if given the opportunity, is going to rip our hearts out in the playoffs.
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