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Harold's Leg Lift

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Everything posted by Harold's Leg Lift

  1. I may have worded that wrong. They have to give up a prospect for Gray.
  2. Who would you rather have: Wainwright at 1yr/$6M or Jon Gray + a prospect at 1yr/$6M?
  3. Oh come now the Owners wouldn't do anything that underhanded to delay the start of the season. Manfred said they want to start the season on time!
  4. I think the most interesting part of this letter is the signature of David Ortega. What's with the triangles, man?
  5. Arizona politicians receive a mysterious influx of donations from a group of MLB owners. Story at 10:00.
  6. My god man think about the prospect rankings!!! THE PROSPECT RANKINGS!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hang on. He went unclaimed at $10M but signs as a free agent for $10.5M?? The really smart people running baseball today sure are stupid.
  8. If you want to make a trade in today's MLB you better have a lot of good low level latin players.
  9. Just use the WAR number that better suits your argument.
  10. It's not that and they're not looking to give him away which is why a trade hasn't happened.
  11. They've been shopping Madrigal to everyone. Sounds like they're hoping someone circles back to them.
  12. Richards seems to have priced himself out for the Sox.
  13. I agree with that. Now they have to find a starter who will fit in their price range and that group has suddenly shrunk.
  14. Reinsdorf didn't want to give Halladay the 3yr/$60M extension the Phillies gave him.
  15. I'd rather package him for a player who has a higher chance to hit his ceiling.
  16. I think he has very a little chance to hit that ceiling which isn't nearly as high as it once was. He's been trending in the wrong direction for far too long.
  17. Kopech's red flags are really piling up. He's coming off TJ surgery, he hasn't thrown a competitive pitch in 30 months, he opted out of last season for reasons (???) and he has a history of immature behavior that includes fighting with teammates and yet for some reason he's considered untradeable. I can only imagine the reactions if the Sox were looking to trade for a player with his recent history.
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