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Harold's Leg Lift

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Everything posted by Harold's Leg Lift

  1. I haven't heard anything but it sure is strange.
  2. This is one hell of a sell job they're putting on for Burger and Sheets.
  3. They saw Kelenic (he played a game in the Cell) a ton just like they did every top player but they decided to play it safe.
  4. I doubt owners will ever give up a year. It's just too valuable to them. I saw one proposal that changed the way service time is calculated. Rather than going by days like it currently is service time would be calculated by quaters. That way owners won't have to keep a player down for X amount of days before they could call him up and not lose that precious extra year. Imagine that. A team could actually field it's best team on opening day rather than (wink wink) waiting until a player magically improves his defense or baserunning in X amount of days. What a novel concept.
  5. This started a shit storm and it's long past due. Everyone knew owners punished players for not signing team friendly extensions now the players have the proof they need thanks to this dumbass. Dipoto aplogized to the players then went on to say the team did nothing wrong. Then what are you apologizing for, Jerry?? “Strange,’’ Kelenic said. “It was literally like someone farted in church. That is the exact expression on everybody’s face.’’ https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/columnist/bob-nightengale/2021/02/24/jarred-kelenic-mariners-prospect-service-time-manipulation/4568463001/
  6. That would get a giant meh from me. I'd be more concerned if they got another high upside bat like Brady House (who is freakin killin it) or Jordan Lawlar.
  7. I'm literally going to watch this a million times.
  8. He's so freakin good. He has advanced feel to pitch. He's so athletic and can repeat his delivery. His fastball is deceptive and it has tons of late life. Oh yeah and he can drop in a hammer curveball whenever he feels like it. The dude checks every box.
  9. Leiter with two 100's in the 1st. Dude's sitting 97-99. Hot gun or not Holy! Fucking! Shit!
  10. He ran out of gas in a hurry and his comand has a long way to go.
  11. Wright St swung at a lot of pitches out of the zone. Going to be interesting to see if they change their aggressive approach the second time thru the order.
  12. I heard a guy on the radio the other day actually say something very interesting. He said 75% of the leagues QB's had a rating of 90 or higher. He said it's easier to play QB than ever before and unless you have a top QB (Mahomes, Rodgers) teams should be more focused on trying to build the team around the QB. I don't think the Bears should give up a 1st for a middle of the pack QB. Hell they probably shouldn't give up a 2nd either.
  13. Vandy is playing a DH today. Rocker game 1 Leiter game 2. Have fun with that Wright St.
  14. The assbag did get one thing right. Jarred Kelenic is going to be a superstar.
  15. Wow. These turd buckets really are something else.
  16. There are always exceptions and Strasburg is a good example. He lost weight and his stuff took a giant leap forward. Hopefully Kelley can keep the weight off and maintain the stuff he already has.
  17. Usually you want HS pitchers to gain 20 pounds. Backwards profile guys are scary AF.
  18. Tommy Mace was pretty good yesterday. He didn't have his good command but he competed his ass off and made a pitch when he had to. Jordan Wicks is a DUDE.
  19. Man that recoil looks even worse from the side. WAAAA-CHAAAA!!!!!!!
  20. They are so fucking impatient. They can't wait for him to develop into the best pitcher he can be they have to open the present now and play with the new shiny thing. Idiots
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