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Harold's Leg Lift

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Everything posted by Harold's Leg Lift

  1. They didn't wiff on him. Everyone involed thought it was best for Alec to establish himself in another organaization where he didn't have the added pressure of being the hometown kid and playing in an organization where his father was an employee. They did him a solid by not drafting him.
  2. It's a really good thing for them theyr'e only playing 60 games this year. They'd easily burn thru at least 20 starters in a 162 game season
  3. Have to wonder why the FO put him in this situation.
  4. This really makes you wonder why Hahn didn't get a starter at the deadline even if it was a 2nd or 3rd tiered guy. Robbie Ray threw well for the Blue Jays yesterday and they got him for next to nothing.
  5. These dumbass ideas of how to play less baseball have to stop. Just F'ing stop.
  6. I prefer boring play by play over amatuer comedy hour.
  7. Ryan Braun has to be near or at the top of all time Cub killers.
  8. Interesting how Stone brings up Singer while Madget is up.
  9. Don't try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they're fascist. Throw some ground balls – it's more democratic.”
  10. They can just call this guy up to play RF. Oh. Damn
  11. I just don't understand what they thought they were getting with Mazara. Just look at the Rangers. That team has next to nothing and if they were ready to give up on him should pretty much tell you all you need to know.
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