Bwahahaha, I love people defending the Trubinskies selection when it’s more than obvious Pace took the wrong QB. The Bears blew it... accept it. There is no argument.
You laugh but does it really matter who is the Bears QB? Trubisky is trash. Daniel is trash. Bray is trash. The Bears don’t win games because of their bust QB’s...
The fact of the matter is that that not one but two QB’s would be better for the Bears right now from the Trubinskies (incorrect spelling intentional) draft, is proof enough that Pace fucked up royally.
If I cared about winning the high school prom king, I wouldn’t say what I want.
The fact of the matter is, do you really see this team with a trash QB (Daniel or Trubisky) winning a Super Bowl?
You called it a penalty, then said to shove the QB instead of pounding him, and then backtracked like your were joking when you got called out on it. ?