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poppysox last won the day on November 5 2022

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About poppysox

  • Birthday August 27

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
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  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
  • Favorite Sox moment
    ALDS Gm 2 Iguchi home run
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Dick Allen

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  1. Will Venable is the only interesting addition to this club. In about 2 years we will be glad to have him IMO.
  2. Gee...I wonder if a new managing partner would help.
  3. I hope so. I can't remember being less into opening day.
  4. Probably the right way to go but this has absolutely no entertainment value. I find it hard to cheer for Jerry's wallet.
  5. I agree with your points. If we are going to spend like a small market team...we need this slow rebuild while fixing the organization. It would be twice as fast with a different owner IMO.
  6. I think baseball rules require a team to score at least 1 run to win a game. Maybe that has changed while I wasn't watching.
  7. JR thinks a whole roster of cast-offs will be ultra-entaining for the fans to watch. Pathetic!
  8. I know it's getting late but I always thought this deal would close by the end of ST. Just makes no sense for JR to hang on to his "managing partner" title while doing nothing to improve this club. He can give up operational control while having little or no tax consequences.
  9. My dropping MLB.TV has probably gotten through to JR that the time is now.
  10. Yep...the golden age for owners...not so much for fans.
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