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Everything posted by poppysox

  1. I do know that the lineup looks much less impressive when McCann is not batting cleanup. When he's not catching he should DH regardless of L/R hand issues. This effort to make Alonso look tradable is costing wins.
  2. Cordell & Tilson have made a nice improvement in the everyday lineup IMO. It's interesting how HR power is so in vogue that we give up having tight defense, good throwing arms, speed on the bases, and batting averages North of .240. I will take this kind of player any day over the Palka's of this game. When you are hiding an elite hitter like Jimenez I can let the shortcomings slide but not worth it for the Palka's of this world. It seems in every game lately one of these guys does something to keep us in the game.
  3. He's batting in the .270's and hitting cleanup for Tampa Bay. Signed for 6 million. Sounds like he would have been a good deal compared to Alonso.
  4. Why would anyone prefer Palka to Cordell. Cordell actually has baseball skills.
  5. Alonso playing every game is a disgrace. No reason he can't sit and watch. See how it's done. I really liked his manner at the plate at first. RR pencils him into the lineup night after night. I just can't understand why RR lets Alonso & Palka play until they are the target of fan scorn. Not smart.
  6. Batting Alonso 4th game after game is nuts. Please stop doing it.
  7. Castillo and Alonso make the Mendoza Line look like an impossible dream. Collins is only a phone call away and Jimenez will be back soon. Hope RH is thinking along this line.
  8. Tilson looks really nice defensively. Making me forget how much I miss Engle .
  9. Everyone looks better pitching when McCann is catching, I wonder why!
  10. When will the Sox ever learn to call for the play. Near collisions are a nightly occurrence.
  11. Would fit nicely with money not spent foolishly on you know who. Always preferred getting 3 good addition guys for what 1 guy cost.
  12. What do you think he would cost?
  13. If we draft Vaughn we need a plan in place for Jimenez, Abreu, Alonso, Castillo, Palka and who knows who else. I realize we would have a couple years to figure it all out...but can only have so many limited position players. I hate when we try to fit more than one poor defensive players into the lineup.
  14. Steve Stone was over the top in his praise of Don Cooper on last nights broadcast. Said if the Sox released Cooper his phone would be ringing off the hook in 5 minutes from GM's who realize his value. I imagine Cooper and Steverson can get through to some players while others...not so much.
  15. A big game to win if we want to be part of the central division discussion. I haven't given up yet.
  16. Todd Steverson hadn't impressed me until this year. Improvement in Anderson, Moncada, McCann and Abreu is making me reconsider my opinion.
  17. I don't much care what Fry likes.
  18. Very much agree! This is the kind of break you hope for when involved in a rebuild. Buying a catcher (your on field General) can be expensive for top of the line candidates.
  19. Good reminder that defense plays an important role in winning.
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