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Everything posted by poppysox

  1. Unwatchable! I usually watch every inning. Tonight I was surfing with the best of them.
  2. I would love to see him use a big barrel Nellie Fox type bat and choke-up. A little more bat control and a lot more contact. Can't hurt to try.
  3. The average golfer goes to the pro...moves his grip a little...changes his stance...he hits the ball a little better. With a very coordinated athlete and full time coaching you would think anyone would improve a little bit. He can leg out 50 hits a year the average guy can't. At the end of the day...what are the coaches trying to do? If as some suggest they've given up he doesn't belong on the team. I guess that means management hasn't given up.
  4. This guy really has great natural gifts of speed, strength and quick reactions. Why can't someone coach him into becoming a competent hitter. I fear the moment we cut him loose the next team will turn him into a star. Most guys just don't have his physical gifts so I just hate that coaching can't find that key to unlock all that raw talent. I understand that lots of guys have failed at hitting that object moving at 95 mph but not many of them have Engel's raw talents. I keep hoping he pulls a Moncada and one day shows up with it all sinking in.
  5. Cordell, McCann & Banuelos have all been pleasant developments. Finding a few unexpected assets is a big help to any rebuild.
  6. I wish they could talk him into picking up the pace. Extra time to think does not help this guy. Something of a head case in my opinion. Did fine here with no pressure.
  7. This game will help get the monkey off the back of a few players who have been putting pressure on themselves. Abreu in particular struggles when he is trying to do to much.
  8. Cordell making us wonder why he wasn't in the opening day lineup.
  9. He has been a very nice pickup. I actually prefer him catching to Castillo.
  10. We needed a game like this. Only Alonzo below Mendoza. Sanchez over .240 seems impossible for where he was one week ago.
  11. His grandma's condition might have something to do with his recent poor performance. His head may have been elsewhere.
  12. I think Hahn thought he getting the players these guys always have been. Their relationship with Machado was just a plus. Both players have either under performed or not performed.
  13. Cordell in center and Garcia gives us the best lineup but Eloy & Garcia in the same outfield without Engle is scary.
  14. Seems Cordell contributes in every game he plays in. Very well rounded with bat, glove & speed. Not elite but very good. Like him a lot.
  15. I live in Michigan and blacken out of MLB for Detroit games. Watched the game on local TV and the post game guys were talking up how good the White Sox are already. One guy strongly claiming the Sox would give Indians and Twins a run for it before this year was over. Claimed only the starting pitching looked dicey. Nice to hear even if hard to believe. Good game.
  16. Has some hit tool, power, arm, speed & catch the ball. Not elite in anything but all around a good player.
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