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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by Chisox378

  1. Both Leury and Yolmer should both be released no matter if the arb price is bare bones low.

    Leury 139 K's to 21 BB

    Yolmer 117 K's to 44 BB

    We can find good bench players that put up good at bats and get on base probably within our farm system for league minimum salary.

    I do like both of these players though so if they do leave I wish them well. I love Sanchez personality, and I love Leury makes the sign of the Cross.

  2. The Sox need a brand new mentality at the plate which will probably mean a new hitting coach. Wait I read this wrong, they have parted ways with Steverson already, this is a good first move, I wish Steverson well. This team needs to be able to draw walks. Their strikeout to walk ratio is very bad, and the good teams in the MLB are just the opposite. Almost every Sox hitter strikes out 5 times to 1 walk. The best K to W was Ryan Goins with 44 Ks to 17 BB.

  3. 3 hours ago, ChiSox59 said:

    Ryan Goins has over 1500 mlb plate appearances. He’s well into his 30s. He’s had his chance and he’s been awful. There is zero benefit to giving him or Escobar or any other journeyman player that isn’t a pitcher a chance. 

    I dont agree with this. Why even have these journeymen players then? He is performing, what more can we ask for? Goins is perfect for a spot start and utility role, rather then a younger player who needs more playing time and would benefit staying in the minors until ready for a full time ML role.

    As far as Mendick, I would send down Rondon, put Sanchez on the bench and let Mendick start for a month or two.

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